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2005年全国砌体结构基本理论与工程应用学术会议论文集 配筋混凝土砌块砌体剪力墙结构 基于位移的抗震设计方法 梁兴文,李晓文,邓明科 (西安建筑科技大学,西安710055) 摘要:根据配筋混凝土砌块砌体剪力墙结构的特点,将其性能划分为使用良好、保证人身安全和防止倒塌三个水平,并用 层间位移角限值予以量化。用作用倒三角形水平分布荷载的等截面弩曲悬臂杆的侧移曲线作为其初始侧移模式。对于使用良 好性能水平,将剪力墙结构体系顶层的层间位移角刚好达到相应限值时的侧移曲线作为目标侧移曲线,据此计算等效单自由 度体系的等效参数以及原结构的基底剪力和各质点的水平地震作用。对于保证人身安全和防止倒塌的性能水平,根据 Pushover曲线与需求曲线的关系予以调整,使结构满足这两个性能水平的要求。本文方法简单实用,设计结果可靠。 关键词:配筋剪力墙结构;基于位移的抗震设计:性能水平;等效参数 Research on Diaplacement—based Seismic Design Method of Reinforced Block Masonry Shear Wall Structures LIANG Xingwen,LIXiaowen,DENG Mingke (xi’all University of Architecture and Technology,Xi’all 7 10055) Abstract:According tO the characteristic of reinforced block masonry shear wall SllalCtUreS,the seismic performance level is divided into three levels.which are serviceability,life-safety,and collapse protection in this paper.The three levels ale qualified谢tll storey drift angles.Applying the inverted triangular distribution of lateral force tO the cantilever wall wim identical section.the displaced shape is regarded as the initial lateral displacement mode of the shear wall structure.In the serviceability pe-rformance level,the curvature at the bottom cross section of the first storey of the shear wall structure reaches yield curvature is assumed.And in the collapse protection performance level,the curvature at the same cross section of the shear wall Sllucture reaches ultimate curvature is assumed.Then,the target displacement modes of the two performance levels call be obtained.Based On the target displacement mode of the reinforced block masonry shear wall SRqlCture in the serviceability performance level,the effective parameter call be obtained.Thus,the base shear%and horizontal earthquake forceE at each floor of the building Call be determined.Combining the horizontal earthquake action effect with corresponding gravity load effect,the design internal forces of the shear wall critical sections are obtained.then the structural members Can be designed to satisfy strength demand a


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