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文章编号:CAR265 酒精蒸馏换热网络用能与余热制冷 1 1 2 顾兆林 王赞社 冯诗愚 (1 西安交通大学人居环境与建筑工程学院,西安 710049 ;2 南京航空航天大学航空宇航学院,南京 210016) 摘 要 本文以国内比较先进的五塔蒸馏流程为研究对象,运用夹点技术对系统进行用能诊断和调优,计算分析酒精蒸馏换 热网络的夹点,在此基础上根据夹点匹配的原则对原系统进行改造,并与原换热网络进行比较,并提出余热制冷的工艺方案, 降低了系统的加热公用工程用量。结果表明:(1)通过换热网络的优化,所需的加热公用工程用量及冷却公用工程用量减少 1125.62kW,吨酒精蒸汽用量减少 0.413t/h,循环冷却水用量减少 5.94t/h 。(2 )通过余热单效吸收制冷,制取 17℃的低温冷 却水 247.1t/h ,取代原工艺中深井水的使用;吨酒精蒸汽耗量减少 1.795t/h,节能 25.2%,循环冷却水用量减少 44.76t/h ,耗 电增加96.9 度,实现了节能、节水与环保多重效益。 关键词 节能 换热网络 余热制冷 Gu Zhaolin1 Wang Zanshe1 Feng Shiyu2 (1 School of Human Settlement and Civil Engineering, Xian Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049; 2 College of Aerospace Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016 ) Abstract The object of this study is the popular technology flow of five distillation tower, using pinch technology to analyze and optimize the energy system, to calculate the pinch of the alcohol distillation heat exchanger. Moreover, to rebuild the system based on the matching of pinch, and to compare with the origin system, according to the study, propose a technology project of waste refrigeration, and the public project plan is decreased. The results showed, (1) via the optimization of heat exchanger network, the public project heat quantity and cooling quantity decreased 1125.62kW, vapor consumption per alcohol ton decreased 0.413t/h, the circulating cooling water decreased 5.94t/h. (2) The cooling performance of single absorption refrigeration driven by waste heat can make the low temperature of 17 ℃cooling water 247.1t/h, which can replace the deep well water; vapor consumption per alcohol ton decreased 1.795t/h, energy saving can reach 25.2%, the cycle cooling water decrease 44.76t/h, the power consumption increase 96.9


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