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第 3期 (总第 310期) 农产品加工 (学刊) 2013年 3月 Academic Periodical of Farm Products Processing No.3 Mat. 文章编号:1671—9646(2013)03a-0005-04 采用响应面法 对酶法提取香蕉皮可溶性膳食纤维工艺的优化 刘林林 一, 吴茂玉1.2,葛邦国2 刘志勇 ,马 超 ,王白鸥z (1.山东轻工业学院,山东 济南 250353;2.中华全国供销总社 济南果品研究院,山东 济南 250014) 摘要:为提高香蕉皮中可溶性膳食纤维的得率,采用响应面法优化酶法提取香蕉皮中可溶性膳食纤维的工艺条件,对 酶质量分数、酶解时间、酶解温度、酶解pH值4个因素进行单因素试验。根据单因素试验结果设计中心组合试验,以 可溶性膳食纤维得率为指标值,采用响应面分析法确定最优工艺参数。结果表明,在酶质量分数为0.5%,酶解温度为 49℃,酶解时间为120 min,酶解pH值5.3的条件下,可溶性膳食纤维的得率为12.36%,比单因素试验的最高得率 9.47%高30.51%,与模型的预期值 12.41%基本相符,响应面法优化酶法能够提高香蕉皮的可溶性膳食纤维的得率。 关键词:响应面;酶法;香蕉皮;可溶性膳食纤维 中图分类号:TS201.2 文献标志码:A doi:10。3969/jissn.1671—9646(X).2013.03.002 Optimization of Enzymatic Extraction Technology of SDF from Banana Peel bv Response Surface Memodology UU Lin-linL2, Wu Mao-yu .-,GE Bmag-guo2,UU Zhi-yongt,MA Chaoz,WANG Bai.ou2 (1.School of FoodBioengineering,Shandong Polytechnic University,Ji’nan,Shandong 250353,China;2.ji’nan Fruit Research Institute,AU China Federation of Supply&Marketing Co—operatives,Ji’nan,Shandong 250014,China) Abstract: Response surface methodology i8 used to optimize the conditions for enzymatic extraction of soluble dietary fiber (SDF)from banana peel with the aim of maximizing tl1e yield of SDF.The efects of enzyme concentration。treatment temperature,time and pH on the yield of SDF are studied in single factor experiments.Subsequendy,a regres-sion model for the yield of SDF iS established using a central composite design involring the above four factors at five levels and based on the mode1.response surface analysis iS carried out to find out the optimum levels of these four factors.The results indicate that the optimum extraction conditions are enzyme concent-ration of 0.5% ,treatment temperature of 49 ℃ . time of 120 rain and extraction pH of 5.3.Under these conditions.the experimental yield of SDF iS 12.36% .which iS basically consistent with the predicted one of 12.41% and increased by 9.47% than tI1e maximum one of 30.51% obtained in single factor experiments. Key words:res


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