高级英语(第三版)第二册第六课 Lovign and Hating New York.ppt

高级英语(第三版)第二册第六课 Lovign and Hating New York.ppt

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省级精品课程 《高级英语》第三版第二册 制作人:徐李洁 Lesson Six Loving and Hating New York Part of Manhattan skyscrapers Statue of Liberty The Fifth Avenue(第五大道) Times Square (时代广场) Empire Building (帝国大厦) Central Park (中央公园) Wall Street (华尔街) Chinatown General Analysis of the Text A piece of expository writing Textual structure Theme: Loving and hating New York becomes a matter of alternating moods, often in the same day. Style: objective and emotional description Textual Structure Part I (paras 1-5) General introduction Part II (paras 6-21) Explanation Part III (para 22) Restating the theme General Questions on the Text Why does the writer say that NYC isn’t the top anymore? In what fields can New York no longer be regarded as the leading American city?? What are its deficiencies as a pacesetter? Why do many Europeans call New York their favorite city? Why did the writer go and live in New York? Why do many people still go to New York? In what respects is New York still regarded as the leading American city? Why is New York called an international metropolis? Words and expressions of paras 1-4 Pathetic: making you feel pity or sympathy Brag: to talk too much proudly about what you have done, what you own. Bush: (slang) unprofessional, cheap, petty. (the bushes: rural or small town districts) Beget: to cause something or make it happen Out of phase: not in the state of exactly parallel movements,; not in harmony Out of step: not conforming to a rhythm ; not in conformity or agreement Holdout: (Americanism) a place that stands firm; not to yield) Common Denominator Land: uniformity; commonness, sameness, the monotonous, the humdrum preempt: (radio and TV) to tale over what was there before comeback: a return to a previous state or position, as of power, success New Orleans superdomes (超圆形层顶体育场) Words and expressions of para. 5 Take to: to become fond of, to care for, to be attracted to Aloof: at a distance but in view; apart; Cosmopolitan compl


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