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创新实践课程评分表 综述类 项目 分值 得分 积极参加教师科研活动 具有较强动手能力 20 文献资料查阅能力 15 结构、逻辑性 15 文笔流畅 25 内容全面性 15 符合写作规范 10 总分 100 创新实践论文 论文题目:细胞荧光探针对肿瘤细胞的监测 姓名 : 田淑睿 学号: 学院:化学化工学院 专 业 :药学 指导教师:应 明 细胞荧光探针对肿瘤细胞的监测 作者:田淑睿 (天津理工大学化学化工学院 2012药学1班 学号 摘要:恶性肿瘤是目前严重危害人类健康的重大疾病之一,是造成死亡的重要原因,随着生存环境的逐渐恶化,其发病率逐年上升。而肿瘤的早期发现和诊断对其预防和治疗至关重要,研究表明,若在癌症早期能被及时发现并治疗,竟会大大的提高恶性肿瘤的治愈率。因此,恶性肿瘤的治疗已成为世界各国共同关心的问题。本文综述了高敏荧光探针对肿瘤细胞的监测,荧光探针在流式细胞术检测肿瘤中的应用,量子点-CK19抗体荧光探针检测中的应用。通过荧光探针的监测可以监测癌细胞的位置,并预测其发展趋势。为合理的选择和正确的临床应用以及科学研究提供参考。 关键词:高敏荧光探针,流式细胞术,量子点-CK19抗体荧光探针,肿瘤细胞 Detection of Tumor cells by Fluorescent Probe shurui Tian (School of Chemical Engineering ,Tianjin University of Technology,Tian jin china) Abstract: Cancer is one of the major diseases that seriously endanger human health . Is the important cause of death . With the gradual deterioration of the living environment, the incidence of the disease is increasing year by year . And the early diagnosis and diagnosis of tumor is vital for its prevention and treatment , Studies have indicated that the cure rate of malignant tumor can be greatly improved if it is found and treated in early stage of cancer. So the treatment of cancer has become the common concern of the countries all over the world. The monitoring of tumor cells by sensitive fluorescent probe is reviewed in this paper,Application of fluorescence probe in tumor detection by flow cytometry (FCM), Application of quantum dot -CK19 antibody fluorescence probe for detection .The location of cancer cells can be monitored by fluorescence probe monitoring,And forecast its development trend, Provide reference for reasonable choice and correct clinical application and scientific research. Key words: sensitive fluorescent probe ,flow cytometry (FCM), quantum dot -CK19 antibody fluorescence probe, tumor cells 前言 恶性肿瘤是目前严重危害人类健康的重大疾病之一,是造成死亡的重


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