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Show/Hide Bookmarks 9300 Servo PLC Appendix 3.3 System error messages Overview over the error sources detected by the PLC and the possible responses. Tip! ? The current error number is also displayed in the variable DCTRL_wFaultNumber. ? The history buffer (C0168/x) stores system error messages with an offset which indicates the type of response: Type of response 0 ... 4 No. of system error message xxx 0 - TRIP 1 - Message 2 - Warning 3 - Off Example: The value “2061” in code C0168/1 means: “x061” e The current fault (subcode 1 of C0168) is a communication error between the AIF module and PLC (see error message no. 061) “2xxx” e The response is a warning. 4 - Error/QSP System error message No. Display 011 OC1 012 OC2 015 OC5 020 OU 030 LU 050 OH Source MCTRL MCTRL MCTRL MCTRL MCTRL MCTRL 053 OH3 054 OH4 MCTRL MCTRL 057 OH7 MCTRL 058 OH8 061 CE0 MCTRL AIF Meaning Motor cable short circuit Motor cable earth fault I x t overload Overvoltage in DC bus Undervoltage in DC bus Heat sink temperature higher than fixed limit temperature Motor temperature higher than fixed limit temperature Heat sink temperature higher than variable limit temperatur (C0122) Motor temperature higher than variable limit temperature (C0121) Motor temperature via inputs T1/T2 too high Communication error in AIF module óPLC Possible settings/response ? Default setting ü Setting possible Available in TRIP Message Warning Fault/QSP Off Code Drive Servo PLC PLC ?ü ?ü ?ü ?ü ?ü ?ü ? ü C0583 ü ? ü C0582 ü ? ü C0584 ü ü ü ? C0585 ü ü ü ? C0126 ü ü 062 CE1 063 CE2 064 CE3 065 CE4 066 CE5 CAN communication error CAN1 CAN1_IN (monitoring time can be set under C0357/1) ü ü ? C0591 ü ü CAN2 CAN2_IN (monitoring time can be set under C0357/2) C0592 CAN3 CAN3_IN (monitoring time can be set under C0357/3) C0593 CAN CAN BUS-OFF status (too many faulty telegrams received) ü ü ? C0595 ü ü CAN CAN time-out (gateway function) ü ü ? C0306 ü 070 U15 071 CCr 072 PR1 074 PEr 075 PR0 079 PI 080 PR6 internal internal interna


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