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XXX费用报销规定Claims Policy 2011年第1 版 2011-8-01生效Effective from 1 Aug 2011 目的 Objective 有效的控制公司费用的开支范围,规范报销程序,确保合理支出。 To set standards for identifying acceptable expenses that the company will reimburse, to improve the management and control of travel and entertainment expenses incurred on company business. 2. 范围 Scope 适用于公司员工因公发生的费用报销。 It is company policy to reimburse employees for all ordinary and necessary business expenses incurred by them in the course of their employment on company business. 3. 规定细则 Company Policies 3.1 报销管理制度和原则 Compliance and Policy Administration 报销首先要遵循总公司报销原则,规定细则可以在XXX内网找到。在此基础上,报销还应该符合当地政府对报销/票证的要求和规定。对不符合报销政策的报销单据,财务部将保留拒绝报销的权利。 Expense claims need to follow XXX Global Travel Entertainment Policy, please see intranet for guidelines. It is also required to compliance with the local tax authorities’ requirement on expense claims and relevant supporting documents/receipts. Finance will reserve the right of rejecting any reimbursement which is not in line with the company’s reimbursement policies 3,2 报销流程 Expense claims procedure 打印报销单并填写整理报销凭证和单据提交报销单据和凭证给经理经理批复把批复和相关凭证上交财务部审批合格后等待报销入账 Print out and fill in expense claim form – paste supporting receipts on separate blank paper—submit expense claim form with all supporting documents to your manager—approval from your manager—provide all required documents to Finance –payment to account once the documents are approved by Finance 3.3 报销日期 Expense claims timeline 从2011年8月1日起,员工报销在经过财务检查没有问题后,在15日内予以报销。每月提交一次报销单。财务只接受三个月内的报销,超期3个月将不予报销(以报销截止日为准,例如,2011年8月5日为报销截止日,所有2011年5月5日以前的报销将视为过期)。如有特殊情况,需要部门经理的直接上司另行批复。12月的费用要在次年1月5号以前报销完毕。 报销日期为 -员工报销材料上交截止日为每月5号 (如遇周末或者节假日,,Please be reminded that receipts or supporting documents dated more than 90 days from the cut-off date of the current month requires further approval of the manager/head of your line manager. Expense claims of Dec needs to be processed before 5 Jan of the following year. Effective from August 1, 2011, cut-off for submission



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