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杭州师范大学外国留学生奖学金申请表(A类) APPLICATION FORM FOR HANGZHOU NORMAL UNIVERSITY SCHOLARSHIP (HNUS) Type A 申请人姓名 Name of Applicant 填表日期: 年 月 日 Date: Year______ Month _____Day______ 注:A类奖学金生免交注册费、正常学制期间的学费和住宿费;提供重大疾病与意外事故保险;按月发给奖学金生活费(本科生每月1200元;硕士研究生每月 1500元人民币,博士研究生每月2000元人民币)。 Note: Type A Scholarship holders do not need to pay the registration fee, tuition and accommodation fees during the time period (on the basis of academic years, with no more than 4 years for undergraduate students and no more than 3 years for Master’s or PhD degree students) for which the scholarship is awarded, and they shall be provided with insurance for major health problems and accidents and a monthly living allowance of RMB 1200 yuan for undergraduate students, 1500 yuan for Master’s degree students and 2000 for Doctoral candidates for 12 months in an academic year. 杭州师范大学 编制 Formulated by Hangzhou Normal University 目 录 一、本申请表填写说明……………………………………………3 Guidelines for Filling in this Application Form 二、杭州师范大学外国留学生奖学金申请表……………………5 Application Form 三、申请人保证书…………………………………………………8 Letter of Affirmation 四、所附材料情况…………………………………………………9 Materials Attached 申请表填写说明书 (序号与申请表中每一项序号相对应) GUIDELINES FOR FILLING IN THE APPLICATION FORM (THE ORDINAL NUMBERS CORRESPOND TO THE ORDINAL NUMBERS IN THE FORM) 本表为杭州师范大学外国留学生奖学金申请表(A类),在填写本申请表之前请详细阅读《杭州师范大学外国留学生奖学金管理办法实施细则》,了解申请杭州师范大学外国留学生奖学金(A类)的资格条件及有关规定。请注意:申请人必须是已被杭州师范大学录取但尚未入学的各类学历留学生。 This form is used by international students to apply for Type A Scholarship offered by Hangzhou Normal University (HNUS). Before filling in this form, please read carefully the “Measures on the Implementation of the International Student Scholarships Scheme of Hangzhou Normal University” so as to learn about the eligibility criteria for this application and the related regulations. Please be advised that applicants must be degree-seeking international students that have alre


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