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第十二讲 指称意义 Natural Language Processing, NLP) formal representation information extraction machine translation Summarization human-computer interfaces [Mary] went to the cinema on Thursday. She didn’t like the film. Anaphora; anaphor; antecedent; anaphoric form; referring expression; endophora; exophora; cataphora; Cohesion; coherence; co-referential; On his arrival in the capital, the Secretary of State declared support for the government. Definition Reinhart (1999) claims that: “The term anaphora is used most commonly in theoretical linguistics to denote any case where two nominal expressions are assigned the same referential value or range.” One noun phrase depends for its interpretation on the other noun phrase. Another definition is the following from Carter (1987). According to this definition, anaphora is “(...) the special case of cohesion where the meaning (sense and/or reference) of one item in a cohesive relationship (the anaphor) is, in isolation, somehow vague or incomplete, and can only properly be interpreted by considering the meanings of the other item(s) in the relationship (the antecedents).” 回指类型 代词回指(Pronominal anaphora) 句子回指(Sentential anaphora) Last week, we went out to the lake near my cottage. It was a lot of fun. 约束回指(bound anaphora) 约束回指(有时也称约束变项回指, bound variable anaphora) 是当先行名词短语被量化时出现的回指现象。如下列所示: (1.3) No one would put the blame on himself. Every farmer who owns a donkey, beats it. 有定名词短语回指(Definite noun phrase anaphora) John was run over by a truck. When he woke up, the nurses were nice to him. 零形回指 (zero/null anaphora) There are two roads to eternity, a straight and narrow, and a broad and crooked. a. 有人等得不耐烦, b. ?就骂起来了。 c. 鲁班看了?, d. ? 就问:……。 Selection of referring expressions 1. 临近原则与一致原则的互动 根据临近原则(the principle of proximity), 在前指照应中, 前指词一般都倾向于指称与其最为接近的、线性距离最短的先行词, 因为临近先行词在语篇中显突性较高, 可及性程度较强。例如: The art of living does not consist in preserving and clinging to a particular mood, of “happiness”, but in allowing happiness to c


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