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版本修订历史记录 版本号 修订内容 修订者 修订时间 A/0 第一次下发 2015.3.4 文件涉及部门评审会签栏 □生产部 □品质部 □工程部 □研发部 □采购部 □销售部 □客服部 □人力行政 □计划部 □财务部 □文控中心 □仓储部 □国际贸易 文 件 签 核 栏 拟 制 审 核(ISO) 审 核 批 准 姓 名 职 务 签 名 日 期 1. 目的 Objective 了解和掌握外部客户对本公司产品质量、交付或服务的评价和满意度,对调查的结果 和外部客户满意的趋势,与竞争对手或同类厂家相应的资料作分析比较,并对外部客 户不满意的主要方面作原因分析,拟定纠正与预防措施,以确保公司产品质量、交付 或服务满足外部客户需求Know about external customers’ evaluation and satisfaction degree for our company product quality, delivery or service. Analyze the survey result and external customer satisfaction trends and comparatively analyze the corresponding information of competitors or similar manufacturer. Also analyze the cause of external customers’ dissatisfaction, make corrective and preventive measures. So that to ensure company product quality, delivery or service can meet external customers’ requirements. 1.2. 为了解和掌握内部客户对本公司质量体系、员工满意度、工作情况、沟通、环境等的 评价,以及时采取纠正与预防措施Know about internal customers’ evaluation for our company quality system, employees satisfaction, work condition, communication, environment and so on to take corrective and preventive measure timely. 2. 适用范围 Applicable Scope 适用于本公司所有客户,包括内部和外部客户Be applied to all customers of our company, including internal and external customers. 定义 Definition 外部客户:与本公司签约或有业务、贸易往来的客户。External customers: the customers have the business cooperation and trading with our company. 3.2. 内部客户:公司内部职员和生产员工。the internal staff and production workers. 4. 职责 Responsibilities 销售部负责公司提供客户的信息来源与协助调查Sales Department is responsible for providing customer information sources and assist in the investigation. 4.2. 客服组负责年度外部客户满意度调查计划拟定,负责《客户满意度调查表》发出和回收及统计,以及公司内部实际客户投诉、退货 PPM 调查The customer service team shall make external customer satisfaction degree survey plan, send and collect the customer satisfaction questionnaire and do the statistics, survey the customer complaints and rejected goods PPM. 4.3. 计划部负责产品实际交付状况的调查 PMC shal


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