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摘 要 沿袭着前一辈工程师的研发思路,使用资料较多的单片机和原理较简单的传感器搭建一个能够实现壁障和遥控功能的小车还是可以实现的。通过单片机对传感器和模块的控制和处理,让各个模块和芯片按照目的要求运作,便是这次设计的主要目的。 本文的研究的思想就是利用单片机控制技术和传感器技术相结合,以STC12C5A60S2单片机为核心,L298N电机驱动、超声波模块、LM339电压比较器、LCD12864显示屏、HC-06从机蓝牙模块组成智能小车。利用LCD显示技术实现数字化显示。通过采集传感器的数据交给单片机处理并按照设定的程序代码区控制小车的运行。 关键词:智能小车;单片机;红外壁障;超声波测距;蓝牙模块 Abstract Artificial intelligence as a new product of modern society, some time ago, Google Corporation developed AlphaGo program to beat the world chess champion, the artificial intelligence has been pulled into the peoples vision. Artificial intelligence will be the trend of future development. In the rapid development of the software at the same time, the hardware circuit also is in a period of rapid development, with the development of large-scale and ultra large scale integrated circuit prompted more and more intelligent hardware volume becomes smaller and smaller, more outstanding performance. In the development of high-tech industries at the same time, the power of life science and technology is constantly expanding peoples horizons. Typical is the advent of smart phones, Samsung apple HUAWEI as the representative, quickly put the previous generation of functional machine market occupied, and update speed is still accelerating. Followed by the UAV, Xinjiang zero as the representative, consumer grade UAV also began to appear in peoples field of vision, lowered the threshold, so that everyone can become a professional aerial expert. And intelligent vehicle currently in China is still in the development stage to be temporarily without a can as the flagship model of the benchmark, which prompted the a large number of innovative companies in the continuous thinking and research, the purpose is to fill the smart car a gap in the market. Followed the previous generation of Engineers research and development ideas, the use of more information on the microcontroller and the principle of a simple sens


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