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基于Zigbee的智能开关的设计与实现 摘 要 近年来,智能家居是不断被人们提到的热点话题,其能够提升家居的安全性和舒适性,同时为用户提供了生活便利。除了其出色的用户体验,智能家居还有助于实现居住环境的节能环保,因此成为未来家居的发展方向。 本文首先提出了一种基于Zigbee技术的智能家居系统,该系统由用户手机、网络服务器、网关和若干功能性子节点组成。在此系统架构下,本文针对功能性子节点中的智能开关节点部分,从其硬件电路和软件程序两个角度分析了该类节点实现自动联网、断线自检、无线通讯等功能的原理,并设计了一个具有以上功能的智能开关节点设备。通过对节点的调试,该设备成功实现了用户对智能开关的本地、远程控制。 该智能开关节点便于安装、使用简单、出现故障后能够完成自检,经过长期的测试证明,该节点在整个智能开关系统中能够正常稳定地运行。 关键词:智能家居 远程控制 Zigbee CC2530 Design and Implementation of Smart Switch Based on Zigbee Abstract Smart Home is a hot topic in recent years, which can enhance home security and comfort, while providing convenient life. In addition to its excellent user experience, smart home also contributes to energy saving and environmental protection of the living environment, thus becoming the future direction of home. This paper presents a technique based on Zigbee smart home system, the system consists of mobile phone users, network servers, gateways, and several functional temper nodes. In this system architecture, this paper function temper intelligent switching node section, from hardware and software program analyzes the class two node network automatically, breaking the principle of self-test, wireless communications and other functions, and design of the intelligent switching node apparatus having the above functions. By node debugging, the successful implementation of the local device, remote control user intelligent switches. The intelligent switch node is easy to install, simple to use, after a failure to complete the self-test, after a long test proved that the node can be normal and stable operation throughout the intelligent switch system. Key Words: Smart Home;Long-distance Control;Zigbee;CC2530 目 录 1.绪论 1 1.1 智能家居背景与意义 1 1.2 智能家居研究现状 1 1.3 智能开关概述 2 2.系统方案设计 4 2.1 课题设计目标 4 2.2 课题设计方案 5 2.3 Zigbee网络概述 6 2.4 论文章节安排 6 3.硬件电路设计 8 3.1 微控制器最小系统设计 8 3.2 触摸检测电路设计 11 3.3 继电器控制电路设计 11 3.4 电源转换电路设计 12 4.软件程序设计 14 4.1 程序设计方案 14 4.2 CC2530程序架构 14 4.2.1 Z-stack协议栈 15 4.2.2 操作系统抽象层 15 4.3 底层程序设计 16 4.3.1 设备组


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