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本科毕业设计(论文) 题目名称: 基于STM32的智能家居系统设计 学 院: 计算机科学技术学院 专业年级: 计算机科学与技术(工)12级 学生姓名: 张云朋 班级学号: 1 班 41号 指导教师: 范忠诚 2016 年 6 月 摘 要 随着科技的不断发展进步和人们对家居生活要求的逐步变高,智能家居已经得到了人们的认可,而现如今一套完整的智能家居设备价格昂贵,一般的家庭难以承受其高昂的价格,针对此种现象,一款功能稳定全面,但成本低廉的智能家居产品会帮助人们在价格和功能之间找到一条满足人们愿望的出路。此款智能家居采用STM32处理器,技术成熟,程序移植方便,价格低廉。本款家居设备设计包括硬件设计和软件设计两个部分:硬件设计包含 :12864液晶电路、温度湿度传感器电路、烟雾浓度采集电路、ADC转换电路、报警电路、电源电路、光照采集电路和灯光控制部分电路,软件设计包含主程序、数据(温度、湿度,气体浓度,光照)检测及处理、和标准气体标定、ADC数据转换,当气体浓度超限时报警程序。经实验测试结果表明该智能家居设备有自动检测家庭环境指标并可以对采集信息进行及时稳妥的处理,精度高,检测范围广,稳定性好,显示简单,操作简便,抗干扰能力强等优良性能。 关键词:ARM-M3;ADC;数据采集与处理;智能家居 Abstract Along with the continuous development of science and technology progress and peoples requirement for household life gradually become tall, intelligent household has gained the recognition of people, now a complete set of intelligent household equipment is expensive, the average family is difficult to afford the high prices, aiming at this phenomenon, a stable overall function, but low-cost intelligent household products can help people find a way out between price and functionality. This intelligent household USES STM32 processor, mature technology, application transplant convenience, low prices. This household equipment design including hardware design and software design of two parts: hardware design includes: 12864 LCD, reactive temperature, humidity sensor circuit, the concentration of the smoke collecting circuit, ADC conversion circuit, alarm circuit, power circuit, acquisition circuit and lighting lighting control circuit, software design includes the main program, data (temperature, humidity, gas concentration, light) detection and processing, and calibration standard gases, ADC data conversion, when gas concentration overrun alarm program. By the experimental test results show that the smart home devic


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