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基于单片机的太阳能电池控制器的设计 【摘要】目前在全世界范围内,由于能源的不可再生和人类的过度开采,全球化的能源危机已经初现端倪,为此世界各国竞相发展绿色能源,太阳能凭借其独特的优点,受到了一致的青睐,在太阳能的各种应用中,光伏发电应用倍受关注。光伏发电系统主要有两种:分布式发电系统和独立式发电系统,然而现在光伏发电应用的主流为独立式发电系统,在独立式发电系统中主要由四部分:太阳能电池板,控制器,,和直流负载。其中控制器为整个发电系统的核心,由于独立式发电系统中蓄电池的充电放电比较频繁故所以控制器要对蓄电池的充电放电进行管理,从而延长蓄电池寿命,减少系统的故障率,提高系统稳定性大大减少发电运营成本。本次毕业设计就将对独立式光伏发电中所要使用到的基于单片机的太阳能蓄电池的控制器进行探讨和研究。 【关键词】太阳能;单片机;控制器 Abstract: At present,while most countries all over the world are developing green and renewable energy,solar energy is accepted commonly because of its unusual advantages.Photovoltaic(PV)systems are paid more attention to among its various applications.PV systems are mainly two: stand-alone distributed power systems and power generation systems, but stand-alone systems has been a trend in nowdays. Stand-alone distributed power systems has four mainly parts: the Solar panels, the controller, the battery and the DC load, while in the four parts, the controller is the most important one. The controller has to decide how and when to charge or discharge because of the high working frequency of the system,So the controller can extended the battery life,decrease the failure rate,make the system steady and reduce the costs of system. This gradual design aimed at the study of the controller used in the stand-alone systems based on microcontroller. Key words: solar energy; microcontroller; controlle 目录 1概述 1 1.1题目要求 1 1.2题目国内外发展现状 1 1.3题目设计目标级功能要求 2 1.4 题目设计所需要的环境 2 2总体设计 3 2.1硬件总体设计 4 2.2程序总体设计 4 3硬件设计 9 3.1电压采集电路 9 3.1.1电压采样电路 9 3.1.2ADC0809模数转换芯片 9 3.1.3 74LS373锁存器 11 3.2单片机及其外围电路 12 3.2.1单片机功能引脚介绍 12 3.2.2单片机外围电路 13 3.3充放电电路 14 3.3.1MOSFET 14 3.3.2光耦合器件 15 3.3.3PWM控制技术介绍 16 3.4硬件设计软件 18 4软件设计 19 4.1中断系统 19 4.1.1中断系统结构 19 4.1.2中断响应 22 4.1.3中断响应过程 22 4.1.4中断请求的撤销 23 4.2各设计模块 24 4.2.1程序初始化模块 24 4.2.2定时器中断模块 24 4.2.3A/D转换模块 25 4.2.4PWM脉冲宽度控制模块 25 4.2.5方案的选择控制模块 26 4.2.6单片机停止工作的按键输入模块 26 4.3 软件总体设计 26 5系统调试 31 5.1硬件电路调试 31 5.2程序调试 32 6其它器件介绍 33 6.1太阳能电池 33 6.2蓄电池 33


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