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* TRAINER NOTES ANIMATION: KEY POINTS: We identified the problem and have developed a solution. The solution includes the introduction of a reduced number of price points, and their logical order, and new fenced rates as a standard for the brand. The result is a totally new rate structure.. Globally. CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDING: That’s a significant change. How are you feeling about that? * * * Read Rate Efficiency. A low transient rate efficiency means that your hotel is selling many discounted roomnights and not enough roomnights at the benchmark rate - this could be an indicator of overpricing. Read Corporate and Above Mix. * In competitive times you have to put your best price into the market early and first. ‘Demand determining price’ is the better, smarter way of improving your Yield and market share. Stop holding out for the few customers that will pay high prices unless you have enough demand and are willing to lose reservations and Yield forever. ADR focus instead of Yield Management hurts your Profits and Revenues. (zhi zhu zhong mei tian de ping jun fang jia er bu zhu zhong shouru guanli hui yingxiang dao ni de zhengti yingli he shouru) * In competitive times you have to put your best price into the market early and first. ‘Demand determining price’ is the better, smarter way of improving your Yield and market share. Stop holding out for the few customers that will pay high prices unless you have enough demand and are willing to lose reservations and Yield forever. ADR focus instead of Yield Management hurts your Profits and Revenues. * Review slide. Maximizing Yield is not possible unless we continue to keep our customers happy and loyal to Marriott. So what is involved in Maximizing Yield - Let’s take a look. * Let’s recap what we have covered in the three activities of Maximizing Revenue. Review slide. * 6. 销售渠道的管理 销售渠道的多样化 酒店直接预订 旅行社预订 订房中心预订 酒店或集团的官方网站预订 第三方代理预订等。   一般通过旅行社和订房中心的预订有一定的折扣或回扣。但如何定量地对这项业务进行分析并有效地控制折扣程度,则


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