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Lesson Plan 河北省唐山市开平区王千庄小学 邮编:063020 联系电话:0315—2173916 指导者:李秋丽 作者:刘伟 Unit3 Lesson18: Are You Short or Tall? 《学英语》(冀教版)第4册 教学背景 教学内容 对话内容如下: ① How tall are you? Mr. Wood: Let’s get to work, class! Kim, you’re first! How old are you, Kim? Kim: I’m twelve years old. Mr. Wood: How tall are you? Kim: I don’t know! Mr. Wood: You’re 1.3 metres tall. You’re tall! How tall is Kim? Jenny: She is 1.3 metres tall. ②How tall is Danny? Mr. Wood: Danny, you’re second. How old are you? Danny: I’m eleven years old. Mr. Wood: How tall are you? Danny: I’m 3.1 metres tall. Steven: Kim is 1.3 metres tall and Danny is 3.1 metres tall! Jenny: She is tall and he is taller. Mr. Wood: No, Danny. Stand on your feet, please. Danny: Oh. Okay, Mr. Wood. How tall am I? Mr. Wood: You’re 1.2 metres tall. Steven: Danny is 1.2 metres tall and Kim is 1.3 metres tall! Jenny: She is taller and he is shorter. (2)词汇: point, metre, taller, shorter, than (3)句型: How tall are you? I’m 1.4 metres tall. He is tall. She is short. He is taller. She is shorter. 教学目标: (1) Can use the sentence “How tall are you? I’m ______metres tall.” describe one’s height. (2) Can use “tall, short, taller, shorter” properly,compare and describe someone. (3) During the measure,train the students cooperate with each other and help each other. 3. 教学重点: Can use “How tall are you? I’m _____metres tall.” make a dialogue. Can describe one’s body condition. 4.教学难点: 1、Can use “taller and shorter” correctly. 教具准备: tape recorder and tape, pictures, CAI, ruler. 二、教学过程: Step 1.Warming-up and Revision: 1.Greeting. Teacher:Hello everyone! Let’s have a game. You are group one… Work hard. If you are good. I will give you one.(show a picture) Who can get the most, you’re winners. OK? Students: OK! [设计思路]分组以比赛的形式进行教学,即可激发学生的学习兴趣, 又可培养学生的集体荣誉感,尤其对于中低年级的学生更加喜欢。 [点评] 在上课之初, 让学生快速的进入到英语的课堂之中, 并以一种积极, 快乐的精神状态开始学习, 为整堂课的开展开了一个好头. 2.Teacher:How old are you? Student:I’m _______ years old. [设计思路] 板书以上问答句,此环节以旧知引入课堂并起到了承上启下


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