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Approach Pie Chart Practice 一.数据类图表 1.1 Pie chart(圆形图/饼状图/圆面分割图 ) 它是比较形象和直观的一种图形,此图形反映的是整体与部分的关系,整个圆表示总量,楔形块表示分量。有时圆形图还有数值表,两者结合可把各分量表示得更准确、清楚。 通常以百分数的形式表现出来,所以描写重点是图中的比例构成和最具特点的扇面。描写的时候注意最大或最小的扇面,对于各扇面数据的描写最好以从大到小的顺序来进行。  This is a pie chart of the average weekly expenditure of a family in Great Britain. As can be see from the chart, the main expenditure of an average British family is spent on food, which accounts for 25% of its total expenditure. The next two significant expending items are transport and housing, which are 15% and 12% respectively. If we take into account clothing and footwear, which makes up 10%, the four essentials of life, that is, food, transport, housing, and clothing and footwear, amount to 62% of the total expenditure. 1.1.1 饼状图的写作思路 1.审题分析三步法:   Step 1:观察共有几张饼图,以及它们之间的关系是什么(一般说来,雅思图表题中极少见到单饼图);   Step 2:观察每张饼图中有哪几个区域,以及各个区域分别代表什么;   Step 3:观察单个饼图中各区域间的百分比差异,以及相同区域在各个饼图间的百分比的比较或发展。 2.选词和万能句 在饼图中,表示百分比的句子是必不可少的。一般表示百分比有两种比较容易掌握的句型。 1)占据   …be / form / comprise / make up / constitute / cover / represent / account for/ amount to …   …be shared by… 2)百分数 Proportion / rate / percentage 3)比例,倍数   a quarter of…   half of…   a majority of…   A has something in common with B   A shares some similarity with B   The difference between A and B lies in…   Double (2倍), triple (3倍), quadruple (4倍), (v, n, adj.)   …be twice as +adj.+ as …..   …more than ____ times as +adj.+ as ….. fourfold( adv., adj.)=four times as much as 4)描述   It is clear that the most (adj.) ____ is A, which accounts for __% of all ____ . B is the next largest (adj.) ____ , __% lower than A of all ____ and followed closely by C . The above three items of ____ take up about __% of the __%   By contrast, D, E and F make up the smallest percentage of total ____ , which are __%, __% and __% , respectively.   The regions can be divided into two groups: one where … and the other where the reverse is the case. 1.1.2 Model Analysis (1):p59 Study the following da


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