大学英语四级考试王长喜全真试卷标准听力(一)—— 标准听力(三)听力原文及答案解析文本精要.doc

大学英语四级考试王长喜全真试卷标准听力(一)—— 标准听力(三)听力原文及答案解析文本精要.doc

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大学英语四级考试王长喜全真试卷标准听力(一)—— 标准听力(三)听力原文及答案解析文本精要

标准听力(一)听力原文及答案解析Listening Comprehension Section A 11. M: Would you please come to my office at five o’clock this afternoon? W: Can I meet you tomorrow? My son will be home from school at 5:30. And I must finish this report before then. Q: What is the woman going to do first? 【听前预测】选项均以原形动词开头,选项 [B](去学校接她的孩子),[C](去办公室见男士),[D](为她的儿子准备晚饭)提示,对话可能与女士的行为有关。女士的话是听音的重点。 【解 析】选[A]。由女士所说的My son will be home from school at 5:30. And I must finish this report before then可推断,女士先要完成报告,故答案为[A]。 12. M: So you need someone to take care of your cat while you’re away for your holiday in Hawaii? W: Yes, I plan to stay there for 2 weeks, so I hope someone really caring can make it. Would that be a problem for you? Q: What do we learn about the woman? 【听前预测】选项中的vacation,Hawaii,take care of her cat提示,对话可能与女士去度假有关。 【解 析】选[D]。结合男士所说的So you need someone to take care of your cat …?及女士所说的Yes … Would that be a problem for you?可推断,女士希望男士帮她照顾猫[D]。 13. W: Excuse me, could you spare a few minutes to discuss the agenda with me after dinner? M: I don’t mind working after dinner. But I have time before dinner. Why should we put it off? Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】选项after dinner和discuss the agenda提示,对话可能与晚餐后议程。 【解 析】选[D]。结合女士所说的discuss the agenda with me after dinner及男士所说的But I have time before dinnerWhy should we put it off?可推断,男士认为没有必要把议程推迟到晚餐后,故答案为[D]。 14. W: Jack, I have an urgent issue to deal with immediately. Here is an important note from Mike’s manager. Could you give this note to him? M: Give it to Mike? What am I? A messenger? Q: What does the man mean? 【听前预测】选项中的messenger,deliver the note提示,对话可能与给某人便条有关。 【解 析】选[C]。结合女士所说的Could you give this note to him?及男士所说的Give it to Mike? What am I? A messenger?可推断,男士不愿意送便条,故答案为[C]。 15. M: Are you sure you don’t mind getting the tickets for the film? I wouldn’t be able to pay you back until Friday when I get paid. W: No problem. I’m glad I can help and we’ll be able to go together. Q: What does the woman mean? 【听前


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