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Text A You Cant Do It Because It Hurts NobodyNew Words(手写板)   带有后缀单词:    custom (n.)习惯,风俗    customer (n.)顾客    customary (a.)通常的,习惯的    city (n.)城市    citizen (n.)市民    citizenship (n.)公民的身份,公民的权力   教材(P587)Exercises   1. city citizen citizenship   a. She comes from the United States and has applied for Chinese (citizenship).   本句翻译:她来自美国,已经申请了中国公民身份。   b. Many Chinese in the United States have become American(citizens).   本句翻译:很多在美国的中国人成了美国公民。   c. Beijing is known to be one of the largest (cities) in the world.   本句翻译:北京,作为世界上最大的城市之一,闻名于世。    fatal (a.)致命的:同义词deadly 致命的    fate (n.)命运,天数    threaten (v.)威胁    limit (n.)有限,限制/(v.)限制    limited (a.)有限的    unlimited (a.)无限的    celebrate (v.)庆祝    celebration (n.)庆祝    championship (n.)冠军身份    anonymous (a.)无名的,匿名的    anonym (n.)无名士,匿名者    criminal (a.)犯罪了的/(n.)犯罪的人    crime (n.)罪行    honesty (n.)诚实,正直    probably (ad.)很可能,大概   合成词:   2. onto 到…上去     lawbreaking (n.)违法   3. drink →drank(过去式)→drunk(a.)(过去分词)喝醉了的   本单元核心词:    tough (a.)强壮的;粗暴的;困难的    a tough man 很粗暴/强壮的人    a tough problem 一道难题    custom 1. 习惯,风俗;2. (pl.)海关,关税    admit 承认;准许…进入    admit 作“承认”时,后常接动名词;作“准许…加入/进入”时,常与介词to/into/in连用。    For example: They admitted having killed a tiger. 他们承认曾杀死一只老虎。           Only one hundred students are admitted to the school each year. 这所学校每年只招收100名学生。    threaten (vt.)威胁,恐吓     →threat (n.)恐吓    threaten sb with sth 用…来威胁某人    threaten by 受到…的威胁    For example: She threatened to call the police. 她威胁说要叫警察。           She threatened him with death. 她对他以死相威胁。    tolerate v. 忍受,容忍,容许     →(a.)tolerant 1. 忍受的,容忍的;2. 宽容的,宽恕的(of)    For example: We should be tolerant of the views of others even if we disagree with them. 即使我们不同意别人的观点,也应该容许其存在。           The school can not tolerate cheating on exams. 学校不容许考试作弊。    celebrate v. 庆祝,称赞     →(n.) celebration    For example: She celebrated her birthday with the party. 她开晚会来庆祝自己的生日。   Text A You Cant Do It Because It Hurts Nobody   本句翻译:不因不伤人而为之   Who do you think breaks the law in


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