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BIEE培训提纲 大唐软件 耿鹏 议程 BIEE体系架构 BIEE产品和相关概念介绍 BIEE安装 BIEE使用操作 BIEE安装 JDK1.5的安装 BIEE应用安装 介绍oc4j应用服务器 介绍BIEE的相应服务 介绍BIEE的安装目录 BIEE的迁移 物理层数据模型 创建ODBC数据源 创建物理层并导入数据源数据 创建物理层连接 创建逻辑层模型 创建新逻辑模型 创建事实度量计算成员 创建维度层次 创建高级维度层次 重命名工具 使用Answer创建报表 访问登录系统 创建查询请求 查看结果、增加汇总、格式化数据 创建柱状图 创建数据透视表 创建叙述视图和空结果集视图 编辑混合视图、创建视图选择器、列选择器 创建综合仪表板 创建综合仪表板 创建仪表板提示 创建导航连接显示明细内容 创建条件格式数据报表 创建红绿灯报表 创建图片预警报表 * * * * * * * * * Primary Message: * Primary Message: * * * Siebel Analytics Administration Tool The basic function of the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool is to create the mapping of physical data schemas (tables joins) to a logical business model. The logical business model stores a simplified mapping to one or more physical data sources. It also contains a shared library or default drill paths, complex derived calculations, aggregate navigation, etc. Most administrative tasks are edited/modified through the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool. The Siebel Analytics Administration Tool is broken out into three separate layers (Physical, Business Model Presentation). The Physical layer is an exact depiction of the target physical database(s). To create a new Physical layer simply select from the File Menu – Import feature. This allows the administrator to read in a system catalog from a relational, XML or Host-based systems or all three. The Siebel Analytics platform is 100% data agnostic and has no preconceived notion of how the data is modeled. The Key Point here is that the Analytics platform should not dictate the data design. Some BI tools require the data to modeled in a particular way, such as a star or snowflake schema. The bottom-line is the Siebel Analytics Administration Tool maps in the data, the exact same way in which the customer designed that data to support their business processes. No data is moved. Siebel Analytics simply references the way the data looks from the db system catalog. Siebel Analytics Function Shipping: The Siebel Analytics platform was d


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