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铣床加工零件与编程 2012年 10月 31 日 摘要 数控技术数控机床在当今机械制造业中的重要地位显示了其在国家基础工业现代化中的战略性作用并已成为传统机械制造工业提升改造和实现自动化柔性化集成化生产的重要手段和标志。数控技术是用数字信心对机械运动和工作过程控制的技术。数控技术的应用不但给传统制造业带来了革命性的变化,更使制造业成为工业化的象征。数控机床是集高、精、尖技术于一体,集机、电、光、液于一身的高技术产物。具有加工精度高、加工质量稳定可靠、生产效率高、适应性强、灵活性好等众多优点,在各个行业受到广泛欢迎,在使用方面,也是越来越受到重视。但由于它是集强、弱电于一体,数字技术控制机械制造的一体化设备,一旦系统的某些部分出现故障,就势必使机床停机,影响生产,所以如何正确维护设备和出现故障时能及时抢修就是保障生产正常进行的关键。Numerical control technology and CNC machine tool in the mechanical manufacturing industry in the important position, shows its in the national basic industry in the modern strategic role, and has become a traditional mechanical manufacturing industry promotion transformation and the realization of automation, flexibility, integration production of an important means and sign, nc machining technology of the whole process is at present a lot of manufacturing staff to grasp more important knowledge. At present, the advanced manufacturing technology has been widely applied to industrial and civil each many fields, such as automobile, shipbuilding, petrochemical industry, etc. CNC machine tools as electromechanical integration of typical products, machinery manufacturing plays an enormous role, good solution of modern machinery manufacturing complex, precision, small batch and changeable parts processing problems, and can stable product processing quality, greatly improve production efficiency. But, the development of numerical control technology is the biggest obstacle to acquire equipment initial investment big, this makes a lot of small and medium-sized enterprise hard to bear. If out a lot of ordinary machine tool, and to buy expensive numerical control machine tool, it will be bound to cause enormous waste. Therefore, the common machine tool numerical control transformation have bright prospects. At present because our country nc machine tool industry development is relatively slow and has restricted the development of the equipment manufacturing industry, directly af



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