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Optoelectronics and Photonics S.O. Kasap Principles and Practices 原理与实践 光电子学与光子学 Table of Contents Wave nature of light Dielectric waveguides and optical fibers 3. Semiconductor science and light emitting diodes 光的波动性 半导体科学和发光二极管 电介质波导和光纤 Table of Contents 4. Stimulated Emission Devices: Optical Amplifer and lasers 5. Photodetectors and Image Sensors 6. Polarization and modulation of light 受激辐射装置:光放大器与激光 光电探测器与图像传感器 偏振和光的调制 1.1 LIGHT WAVES IN HOMOGENEOUS MEDIUM 4 均匀介质中的光波 A. Plane Electromagnetic Wave 平面电磁波 WAVE NATURE OF LIGHT Chapter 1 B. Maxwell’s Wave Equation and Diverging Waves 麦克斯韦方程和发散波 Nature of Light Photons Photoelectric effect Compton effect Electromagnetic waves Interference Diffraction 5 “Physicists use the wave theory on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays and the particle theory on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.” William Henry Bragg 光子 康普顿效应 光伏效应 电磁波 干涉 衍射 光的本质 在物理学家心中星期一、三、五光是波,而在星期二、四、六光是粒子。 Electromagnetic Wave 6 电磁波 Monochromatic plane wave 7 单模平面波 Wavefront Wavefront : a surface over which the phase of a wave is constant. 8 波前 波前:相位为常数的面 Optical Field Electric field displaces the electrons in molecules or ions in the crystal and thereby gives rise to the polarization of matter. Electric field is dominant. The optical field refers to electric field 9 光场 电场占主导地位 电场可以使分子中的电子或晶体中的粒子发生位移,从而导致物质的极化。 光场指的是电场 Exponential notation of traveling wave 10 行波的指数表述 Wave vector k We indicate the direction of propagation with a vector k 11 波矢 k 我们用波矢k表示传播方向 A traveling wave along a direction k 12 一沿波矢 k方向的行波 Phase velocity The relationship between time and space for a given phase, ?, is described by During a time interval ?t, this constant phase is moved a distance ?z. Thus the phase velocity is 13 相速度 在给定时间段 ?t 和常数相位移动的距离为 ?z ,因此相速度可以写为 对于给定的相位? ,时间和空间的关系可以写为 Phase difference The phase difference ?? at a given time between two points on a wave that are separated by ?z is in phase ?? = 2n? , n = 0, ?1, ?2, … out of phase ??


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