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★correct v. 改正,纠正 ① v. 改正;纠正 Please correct me if I’m wrong. I spent the whole morning correcting exam papers. 我花了整个上午的时间批改试卷。 ② v. 校正;矫正 Let me correct my watch first. This pair of glasses will correct your eyesight problem. She has a low mark in the Math exam. She made a lot of _________ in the paper. The bookstore is _______ of interesting books. Why do you want to buy a necklace? I want to give it to Mary as a birthday _________ . This book is full of new words. I think I must use a _________ . How do you ______ ‘intelligent’, please? i-n-t-e-l-l-i-g-e-n-t. Can you help me to______ this letter, please? No problem. grammar 动词不定式 在英语中,当一个动词被另一个动词紧跟时,它们之间必须加不定式符号(to),to是小品词。不定式符号后面的动词只能是原形,而不能是过去式或分词形式。动词不定式可做除了谓语之外的所有句子成分。 结构: ① 不定式作动词的宾语:V+ to V原 ② V+ 名词/宾格代词+ to V原 不定式的否定形式是在to之前加not。 to +名/代/V-ing时,to为介词 want sb. to do sth. tell sb. to do sth. ask sb. to do sth. …… let / make / have sb. do sth. ??? Let the boy go out now. ??? 让那个男孩出去。 感官动词see, hear, watch, notice, feel, look at, listen to… I saw him get on a bus. 在to之前加not构成 妈妈叫我不要关门。 My mother told me not to close the door. 告诉Tom不要开得太快。 Tell Tom not to drive too fast. 1. He asked me ________ here earlier. ??? A. come???????? B. to come???????????? C. coming???????????? D. came 2. Please tell him _______ on the wall. ??? A. don’t draw??????? B. to not draw??????? C. not to draw???????D. not draw ??? 3. He wanted ________ a cup of tea. ??? A. to have????????????? B. having??????? C. have????????? D. had Homework 1. To finish the exercises after the text. 2. To practise the structures learned during the class. Lesson 105 Full of mistakes 单词学习 spell v. 拼写 (spelt, spelt) intelligent adj. 聪明的,有智慧的 mistake n. 错误 present n. 礼物 dictionary n. 词典 New words and expressions spell v. 拼写 spelt-spelt 你的名字是怎么拼写的? How do you spell your name? 这个词怎么拼? How to spell the word? intelligent [intelid??nt] adj. 聪明的,有智慧的,理解力强的 这女孩看起来是聪明伶俐。 The girl looks int


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