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CP.17 Finishing Operations Postpress: Finishing (postpress) is a segment of the print production flow in which the printed product is given its requested features of form and function. 17.1 Process 17.2 Edition binding 17.3 packaging §17.4 Surface finishing Surface finishing Glazing上光 Waxing Coating Bronzing烫金 Homework P435 Review questions 1,5,6,7,9,12. 5.Booking covering 6.cutting 7.QA Packaging Book block process Cover process Cover feeding 17.2.1 Book block process 1. 裁切、折页、配贴、锁线订或无线胶订、切书 2. 压平: 3. 刷胶:书背刷胶、定型 4. 裁切:三面切书 5. 扒圆:将书芯加工成圆弧形 牢固书芯,便于阅读 6. 起脊:在书芯两面近书脊处压出凹痕。 7. 刷胶、贴背(三粘): 在书芯背上贴纱布、贴堵头布、贴书背纸。 刷胶、贴纱布 刷胶、贴书签带和堵头布 刷胶、贴书背纸 17.2.2 Cover process 17.2.3 Cover feeding Paper packaging Foil packaging Books packaging 分摞、计数 包装线 码堆机 中间存储 集装箱 分发运输 Paper packaging:80-120g/m2 Foil packaging:PE聚乙烯 / PVC聚氯乙烯 * Q * Xi’an University of Technology Prof.Dr.Cao Congjun 1. 简和策 2. 卷轴装 3. 经折装 4. 旋风装 5. 蝴蝶装 6. 包背装 7. 和合装 8. 活页表头装 9. 线装本 10. 平装 11. 骑马装 12. 精装 Cutting folding Assembling binding covering cutting Book block process Book covering process 1. Cutting: Cutting forces on the blade with the swinging diagonal cut ? Knife life: The smaller the knife angle, the shorter the service life of the knife, that is, the sharpness of the knife quickly diminishes. ? Knife angle: A soft cutting product requires a smaller knife angle. Hard cutting material requires a larger knife angle. ? Pressing force: Great force is required for a soft cutting product. Low force is required for a hard cutting product. 2. Folding:types of folded sheets Folding machines a. Knife folding unit Folding machines b. Buckle folding unit Knife shafts in a buckle plate folding unit Folded sheet classification 3. Assembling/Gathering:Assembling is the production of a specific sequence of folded sheets, leaves, or webs into a loosely jointed block. Basic principles for assembling signatures and leaves (individual sheets) Structure of a gatherer for sing


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