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城市住区公共服务设施整合配建模型研究 摘要:城市的住区建设是城市化进程的成果体现,同时也是推动城市化的重要力量。虽然我国城市的住区建设经过多年发展取得了长足的进步,但在很多方面还存有不足,比如住区公共服务设施的配建过程中往往存在配建数量、规模、标准不合理等问题。对此,笔者考虑对新建住区公共服务设施规划方案以及运营过程中的住区公共服务设施调整方案进行优化,即综合考虑住区内外条件,基于微观经济学中的消费者均衡原理,采用希克斯和马歇尔需求函数基本形式,对城市住区中公益性和经营性两类公共服务设施构建整合配建数理模型,求解条件约束下的最优配建规模和标准。该结果用于指导配建方案的形成和调整,优化配建效果,最大化消费者效用、开发商利益,提高社会资源利用效率,提升城市整体功能,推进城市的可持续发展和城市化进程的可持续推进。 关键词:城市住区,公共服务设施,希克斯需求函数,马歇尔需求函数 Integrated Construction Model of Public Service Facilities in Urban Residential Districts Abstract: The construction of urban residential districts represents the achievement of urbanization, and also, it is a powerful impetus of urbanization. Though we have made a great achievement in the construction of urban residential districts during the years, there are still many problems to be solved: for example, the quantity, size and standard of Public Service Facilities are often found mismatch with Urban Residential Districts. For this point, we consider to optimize the planning scheme of public service facilities before a residential district is constructed, and the adjusting scheme of Public Service Facilities after a residential district is put into operation. Herein, both the external and internal conditions of residential districts are taken into consideration. Based on the theory of consumer equilibrium, using the Hicks Demand Function and Marshall Demand Function, we establish the integrated construction model for both of the commonweal and the commercial public service facilities, and find the optimized solution of integrated construction size and standard subjected to the existing restriction conditions. This optimized solution can be used to direct the preparation and adjusting of the integrated construction scheme of public service facilities, optimize the construction utility, maximize the consumer utility and the developers’ advantages, increase the resource utilization rate, improve the city’s functions and advance the city’s sustainable development and urbanization


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