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目 录
1.1.1汇率风险的概念 1
1.1.2汇率风险的类型 1
1.2风险防范理论 2
1.2.1汇率风险的自然对冲法。 2
1.2.2汇率风险的现金管理及内部会计调整方法。 2
1.2.3汇率风险管理的国际融资方法。 2
第二章我国汇率风险对外贸企业的不利影响 4
2.1企业汇兑损失增加 4
2.2利润空间缩小 4
2.3市场竞争日益激烈 4
2.4新增订单萎缩 4
第三章我国外贸企业汇率风险管理存在的问题 5
3.1管理者缺乏风险管理意识 5
3.2员工风险管理能力薄弱 5
3.3 缺乏严格的汇率风险管理体系 5
3.4产品生产缺少创新性 5
3.5可控选择的避险工具有限 5
第四章我国外贸企业加强汇率风险管理的对策 7
4.1实施多元化的经营战略 7
4.2优化企业外汇人员配置 7
4.3健全汇率风险管理体系 7
4.4加快产品技术创新 7
4.5选择有效的避险工具 8
4.5.1衍生工具避险法 8
4.5.2套期保值 8
4.5.3多地化战略 8
摘 要
随着外贸企业自改革开放以来的快速发展,在国民经济中,为国经济增长做出了巨大的贡献。但随着国汇率制度改革,国的外贸企业普遍缺乏汇率风险管理,落后的风险管理措施,Since the reform and opening up, Chinas foreign trade enterprises to develop rapidly, playing an increasingly important role in national economy, and made a great contribution to Chinas economic growth. But as the reform of exchange rate system in our country, There is a widespread in our country foreign trade enterprise lack of exchange rate risk management, risk management measures, selection of hedging tools.
In this background, this paper studies exchange rate risk management of foreign trade enterprises. According to the logical relationship and structure, using literature research, this article can be divided into four chapters. The first chapter is a summary of relevant theoretical knowledge, including the concept and types of exchange rate risk and risk prevention of the related theory. The second chapter is to introduce the exchange rate risk what are the adverse impact of foreign trade enterprises, which lead to the third chapter in the exchange rate risk management what problem there is a foreign trade enterprises. Finally in the fourth chapter is the focus of this article, according to the foreign trade enterprise in the question list for exchange rate risk management of related countermeasures.
Key words: Foreign trade enterprise , Currency risk , Hedging tool
前 言
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