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VOA1500 words 中英对照打印版(译文仅作参考) a1 able 【 having the power to do something 】 Are you able to speak English?你会说英语吗? about 【 (1) almost; (2) of or having a relation to 】 He completed about half of his work. (1)他的工作差不多做完一半了。 We talk about the weather. (2)我们谈论天气。 above 【 at a higher place 】 His head was above the water.他的头露出水面。 accept 【 to agree to receive 】 Please accept my thanks.请接受我的谢意。 accident 【 (1) something that happens by chance or mistake; (2) an unplanned event 】 She was injured in the accident. (1)她在事故中受伤。 We met again by accident after seventeen years had passed. (2)在十七年过去之后,我们偶然再次碰在一起。 accuse 【 (1) to say a person is responsible for an act or crime; (2) to make a statement against someone 】 Her friend accused her of breaking his heart. (1)她的朋友责怪她伤了他的心。 accuse of:指责,控告 The lawyer accused the suspect of lying. (2)律师指控嫌疑犯撒谎。 across 【 (1) from side to side; (2) to the other side 】 The box was ten centimeters across. (1)这个盒子宽10厘米。 The dog ran across the road. (2)狗穿过道路。 act 【 to do something 】 He acted immediately to stop the fight. 他立刻采取行动制止这场战斗。 activist 【 one who seeks change through action 】 The activist worked hard to change the law. 激进分子努力改变法律。 actor 【 someone acting in a play or show 】 That actor frightened me.那名演员吓住我了。 add 【 (1) to put (something) with another to make it larger; (2) to say more 】 Please add my name to the list. (1)请把我的名字添加到名单上。 She told him to leave, but added that she would like to see him again. (2)她叫他离开,但是补充说她想再次看到他。 administration 【 the executive part of a government, usually headed by a president or prime minister 】 The new administration starts work in January. 新管理部门在1月开始工作。 admit 【 (1) to accept; (2) to express ones guilt or responsibility 】 When was the country admitted to the United Nations? (1)什么时候允许这个国家进入联合国? He admitted that what he did was wrong. (2)他承认他所做的是错误的。 adult 【 a grown person 】 Only an adult can sign the document. 仅成年人能签署这个文件。 advise 【 to help with information, knowledge or ideas in making a decision 】 Did you advis


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