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每年3月22日为联合国大会确定的世界水日,旨在推动对水资源进 行综合性统筹规划和管理,加强水资源保护,同时,通过开展广泛 的宣传教育活动,增强公众对开发和保护水资源的意识。作为全球 水务服务行业的领导者,威立雅水务将可持续发展理念深深根植于 企业文化中,并在经营活动及社会公益活动中努力践行这一理念。 2012年的世界水日,威立雅水务在中国的各个项目积极响应号召组 织开展“世界水日”和“中国水周”活动,在上海、深圳、常州、 青岛、昆明、呼和浩特、乌鲁木齐等地举办各种社区活动,提升客 户服务质量,向公众宣传节水理念;开展水厂开放日活动,面向中 小学生普及水资源知识和环保理念。 The World Water Day on March 22nd each year is determined by the United Nations. They devote this day to promoting comprehensive overall planning and managing regard to the worlds water resources. To strengthen the protection of water resources, in the mean time increase public awareness of the development and protection of water resources through extensive publicity and education activities. As the leader in global water services, the concept of sustainable development is deeply rooted in Veolia Water’s corporate culture, and strives to practice this philosophy in business activities and social welfare activities. The 2012 World Water Day, Veolia Water in China actively respond to the call of the organization to carry out World Water Day and China Water Week, and holds various community activities in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Changzhou, Qingdao, Kunming, Hohhot, Urumqi and other places to improve customer service quality, promote water-saving concept to the public; carry out the water plants open day for primary and secondary students to popularize the knowledge of water resources and philosophy of environmental protection. “母亲水窖”安全饮水进校园 The Water Cellar for Mothers Drinking Water-Safety for Campus project nd 2012年3月22日,在世界水 On the World Water Day, March 22 2012, Veolia 日这一天,威立雅水务中国 Water joins hands with the Chinese Womens 携手中国妇女基金会,参与 Foundation, to participate in the Water Cellar for Mothers Drinking Water-Safety for “母亲水窖”校园安全饮水 Campus project. Not only to contri


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