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11. Once the part has completely solidified below the eutectic point it may be removed with no concern for final metal properties. At this point the sand is simply broken up, and the part removed. At this point the surface will have a quantity of sand adhering to the surface, and solid cores inside. 11. 一旦零件在共析点以下完全凝固,可以不考虑金属的最后性能而将其取出。这时可以简单地打碎砂型并取出零件,但零件表面会有大量型砂粘附着,内部还有实心的砂芯。 12. A bulk of the remaining sand and cores can be removed by mechanically striking the part. Other options are to use a vibrating table, sand/shot blaster, hand labor, etc. 12.大量的剩余型砂和砂芯要通过机械敲击零件来去除。其它的选择还有采用振动台、喷砂/喷丸机、手工作业等等。 13. The final part is cut off the runner gate system, and is near final shape using cutters, torches, etc. Grinding operations are used to remove any remaining bulk. 13. 最后零件要用刀具、喷枪等切掉浇道闸道系统,这样就接近最终形状了。再用磨削作业去除多余的部分。 14. The part is taken down to final shape using machining operations. And cleaning operations may be used to remove oxides, etc. 14. 通过机加工将零件切削到最终形状。可能还要用清洗作业去除氧化物等。 Investment casting 熔模铸造 Investment casting is also known as the lost wax process. This process is one of the oldest manufacturing processes. The Egyptians used it in the time of the Pharaohs to make gold jewelry (hence the name Investment) some 5,000 years ago. 熔模铸造也称为失蜡加工。这是最古老的制造工艺之一。大约在5,000年前的法老王时代,埃及人就用它制造黄金饰品(因此而得名投资)。 Intricate shapes can be made with high accuracy. In addition, metals that are hard to machine or fabricate are good candidates for this process. It can be used to make parts that cannot be produced by normal manufacturing techniques, such as turbine blades that have complex shapes, or airplane parts that have to withstand high temperatures. 复杂的形状能被高精度地制造。另外较难机加工或制作的金属都能用此工艺。它还能用于生产一般制造技术无法生产的零件,例如有复杂形状的涡轮叶片或必须耐得住高温的飞机零件。 The mold is made by making a pattern using wax or some other material that can be melted away. This wax pattern is dipped in refractory slurry, which coats the wax pattern and forms a skin. This is dried and the process of dipping in the sl


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