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城关镇中学英语一案三单 Lessons 40教学设计 授课年级 八年级 学科 English 主题 Unit Review 课型 能力训练 课时 1 任课老师 Miss Yang 教学目标 知识与技能:1 掌握本课内新单词与短语 2 学会重点知识生成技能 3 形成日常有关本文的简单交际能力 过程与方法:1 分组讨论交流预习心得 2 分角色表演,反复训练,实现重点突破和技能生成 3 通过自学,小组合作探究,师生互动的方式提高能力,形成快乐学习效果 情感态度与价值观: 1 学会与本文有关的日常交际用语 2 增强师生情感交流,小组竞争意识及英语兴趣 重点·难点 1 learn the important phrases and words 2 can use the important phrase and make dialogue by students. 3 Hope and wish 4. Cause and effect. 关键问题 1 Positive and negative sentence. 2 Interrogative sentences. 教学方法 1 following the teacher to read the new words and text and find out them in the text. 2 discuss the text with your partners, then find some important sentences what you think. 3 making a dialogue like the text with your partners. 教学准备 Teacher: 1 reading the text carefully and find out the important points for students. 2 Flash 3 using a tape to practice the listening skill. Students: 1 find out the new words and phrases 2 can retell the text in Chinese 3 answer the questions in “think about” 教学过程 程序 时间 创设情境 教师行为 期望学生的行为 Step 1 导入新课检查导读效果 6 创设检查学习情境 Check the home work 1 Let students retell the text by themselves in Chinese 2 check the first part paper 1 Can retell the text in Chinese and use some new words in this text. 2 finish the first part paper. Step 2 自主学习与合作交流 8 创设听力训练情境创设自主阅读情境 Listen and read skill 1 Study the new words and phrases with students. 2 play the tape Read the text follow the tape and find out the new words and phrases. Step 3 强化训练形成能力 17 创设展示学的情境 Work in groups Let students One-six a group and discuss the new text and the questions in the second part paper. 1 find out the topic in the new text and can read the text in role 2 expressing the answer about questions and use the new knowledge to make sentence. Step 4 拓展训练提升能力 10 创设拓展训练情境 Practice Give students 5mins to do the exercises on the third paper which students get before the class. Do the exercises carefully and pay attention


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