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The brief introduction of the Universe universe The Universe is all of spacetime and everything that exists therein, including all planets(行星), stars(恒星), galaxies(星系), the contents of intergalactic space(星际空间), the smallest subatomic particles(亚原子粒子), and all matter and energy. Similar terms include the cosmos(宇宙), the world, reality, and nature. The evolution of the universe(宇宙的演化) The evolution of the stars(恒星的演化) the brief introduction of the black hole(黑洞) The evolution of the universe(宇宙的演化) Quantum Fluctuations【量子波动】: Under the big bang theory, quantum fluctuations cause the universe to spring into existence out of nothing 根据大爆炸理论,量子的波动导致了宇宙从“无”到有的突然产生。 Inflationary period Afterglow light pattern 【膨胀阶段的余辉光带】 Surface of last scattering when the universe is about 380,000 years old, which provides the cosmic microwave background (CMB) radiation 当宇宙产生后380,000年时,它最后的散射表面为整个宇宙提供了宇宙微波背景(CMB)辐射。 First Stars Form【形成了第一代恒星】 About 400 million years after the big bang, the first stars form 在宇宙大爆炸后的40,000万年左右,第一代恒星就形成了。 Dark Ages【黑暗年代】 It was very dark when there were no stars anywhere in the universe 这个年代阶段里,宇宙是非常黑暗的,任何地方都没有恒星。 Development of Galaxies, Planets, etc. Dark Energy Accelerated Expansion 【星系、行星等的发展,暗能量加速了宇宙的扩张】 A relatively recent event in cosmological terms, dark energy has caused the expansion of the universe to accelerate. Throughout this entire cosmological evolution, the universe has been expanding, as outlined by the theory of general relativity. It accelerated very quickly during the inflationary period, then slowed down significantly and seems to have expanded relatively consistently, but recent results have indicated that a strange new substance, dark energy, is actually speeding up the acceleration. 在宇宙学术语方面比较近期的事件是暗能量已造成了宇宙加速膨胀。贯穿整个宇宙的进化,如广义相对论所概述的那样,宇宙已经在不断扩大。在膨胀阶段,扩大加速得很快,然后显著地减慢,而且在这个阶段里膨胀似乎比较一致,但最近研究结果所表示的一个奇怪的新物质,暗能量,实际上是它在使宇宙扩大加速地加快。 费里德曼模型 支撑费里德曼模型的基本理论 任何两个星系相互离开的速度是与他们之间的距离成正比的 广义相对论和量子力学的不确定原理(测不准原理):时间和空间都是有限而无界的


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