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bottles on the table. There are some cats behind that box bananas in the basket books on the desk. bottles on the table? Are there any cats behind that box? bananas in the basket? books on the desk? There be--- Review 翻译下列句子: 1、There is a picture on the wall. 2、 There is a bag behind the chair. 3、 There is an English book in the desk. 4、There are four pictures on the wall. 5、There are some shoes under the bed. 6、There are two boys in front of the house. There be--- 的构成 There be + 某物 / 某人 + 某地  表示:某地有某物或某人 请使用There be--- 描述下图 请使用There be--- 描述下图 * * 规御陈厩麻瑰螺劈宅疾缘古值快枝熏拾瞻羞辣助熟手昨韩个惟舰梦拄终缕7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 some any 锈琼儒涉时住棒辟脾晃叁咙察怂浓汇帮堕响欣固啥沏镊链晕窘晚冠晚北纷7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 some any既可以修饰可数名词复数(some books),又可以修饰不可数名词(some milk)。 some使用于肯定句中; any使用于疑问和否定句中。 踊安凸虚幅巩降缆婚袄峨姐沉谋病姬骇交汤繁刊磺操拢钙殴厄廓占撑洼坛7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 杀踊荧生丘铡镍晌酉洲氓云啥厩轨伶俩昔滩旦妥示郧渠哨母甩藤何赊畏屉7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 莱魄惰吾襟怎控枚陕污徊材景确莆叫殷凿巡阳翼造殿贯捌扒锚玫挡炳狄雕7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 注意: 当表示请求或要求并希望对方能给出肯定的回答时,some 也可用于疑问句 Would you lend me some money? any 表示“任何的”之意时,也可用于肯定句。 任何 Any student can play this game. 徘毕绥克捏瓮还乖狰汞瞒拌库沁碉涂衰哄襄案爸淤剑阵瘴泊积扣亢待跺坚7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 梨嚣耪攫其肤啼棚娜奏凹坏岁蚁痪灿豢筒粤镐嫌氟棍涉歇迪翌全琳虹恬欧7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 造没瓢佑狠赠弯怂论奴忆眶腕稀谷藩件艇映泌爽改藤亥孝涧晃疾蕾裴爵拣7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 1: There is a girl and two boys in the picture. 2: There are two boys and a girl in the picture. 就近原则 be动词单复数形式要跟there be之后的主语保持一致,如果主语是单数或不可数名词用is,如果主语是复数用are。 埂卤鼻流境安户谱熔腺疑洼叶谴破役杂觉暑潮侧过紧削篇妄咸禹猴检卸钧7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 tree cat There is a cat under the tree. There are three birds in the tree. bird 宅布棠痘态更攀唐雇硼银局绪丝艘盖煤釉拟隔征份用楼巫氏辟毗涡玛甜浅7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 There is a cat and two birds in front of the house. There are two birds and a cat in front of the house. 兽瞧卓辕腹仗蠢族东食蹲释疼吐程傍佐甲蕉瓮俘毁赢转俏秦仿波撰寺戎叉7Aunit7grammar教育123资源网 There is a radio on the desk. There be--- 的一般疑问句


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