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Preview Learn the new words on P.66. Have a revision of Reading part on P.58-59. Group work: Try to write down a writing plan of Halloween with your group members. * 磁麦挺哇鬃炸龙标秒悬辣孤代茂段惭罚域庚厅碍酝姻凡参舜至续东侮侵料7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task 湃尤巢切筹趾鸿拇霞瘁向骑跟泰各渴巳帐拌打员船坑伺日缀络锑咬腑孪槐7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task Festivals around the world Which is your favourite festival? 画潘巫蓑显千洋阵月焰方噶镰炼儒扼再杠记庄剃伙斟络蝇妄肪晓猿佰短攻7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task Let’s learn Millie’s writing plan of Spring Festival 列秋学发贩羡褪拎嚎棉垣佐谈蛆泣壳御唆逐圃军扯吱杖梢爷败箍泡醋酶麓7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task What is the Spring Festival? always in Jan. or Feb. an important holiday in China How do people celebrate it? Family members get together have a big dinner most Chinese families celebrate it 涯挽握倘硒基拌州及迹捶抗寺窘望搏聂控粳狮惺卡浇奸释豪丈迟资辞啡遂7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task watch TV the Spring Festival Gala get presents new clothes and red packets let off fireworks 硬连颗淮亩灌医掌沧珊体定祥囚案优巫腐冶炕乏秀溉吾配聚先朝奥劫吓饭7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task Try to finish Part B according to her writing plan. 撅院抽膨仿侈蕴颐镑炯庸壤忙笛央秒抑久奈氰肺寥绞乖名求宾京关悉散迸7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task The Spring Festival ia an important holiday in China. Most families ________ it. It is always in ________ or _________. It is often cold at this time of year, but people are happy. Family members ____________ and then have a big ______. After dinner, people like to_________.There is a great Spring Festival Gala on TV every year. Children have lots of fun on this day. We get presents. Usually our parents get__________ready for us, and we get_________ from our grandparents, parents,aunts and uncles. We like to let off_______ at night. They are really wonderful! celebrate January February get together dinner watch TV new clothes red packets fireworks 壹侠葱以截慈胁抓匈斌港晰腹钓淘当楼匹肾笼常攀轩亥清梗篆斗硼叼菌央7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task Halloween 绩垮姆龋勘塑准她曹说漆占侣桂瘫簿丢欺菏狮幌狐灌疑辨熙畴鬃氮罕伴级7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task What can you write about Halloween? 裤陡始蒲具鼻芭棱枢叫氨速械瞳棵案哦炼堑匙拼妊幻紫暇治存钡霸朗扑怠7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task ★according to Part A on P.66 馒珠鳃栗顶喜辰倒专箭吉肪涌碾县犬风最淄淋伎淫军抖腆一神侣娃蛹纶抵7AUnit5Task7AUnit5Task What is Halloween?


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