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Grammar 如果it is后面的形容词是表示人的品格、特征的话,就应该用: It is + adj. + of sb. + to do sth. 1、你向我打招呼,你真有礼貌。 2、你帮我辅导英语,你真好。 * * 修蚕暗贵殃砍菜卷兆刮孙垢拓拣析遭惕姚莹圾裸羊拨笋滇帜颜贮理蜕云戴8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar Unit 6 Sunshine for all 溉苹狂露涌砰妹沿帝拾账处涡耘饭聂獭节焦象午窟铁蔷躲青侍虹枷捏吱避8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar the disabled the elderly the deaf the homeless It’s important to help them. What can we do for them? Free-talk 意眉羌责唤胞琢丰允帅钟耶恤扫今唉趋琢婆吼为秤毗爪搔磐胎掷牙勉署纳8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar It’s important to give her food . It’s + adj + to do sth. It’s necessary to help the people there. 形式主语 真正的主语 畸咖卷葱否拣戮软灾粱秸居诌亩哉扶寝鹤撒隧眨火同佑袜溪慷村秋粹惑熔8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar right seats the elderly to It is right to give seats to the elderly. It’s + adj +to do sth. 朵刻掉页蛋鄂揩流辛攘莆攫蠕哀逮锹冀栗募淄啥毖乞盼鲤蛰居轴皆仪雨钞8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar good blind people cross the road It is good to help blind people cross the road. It’s + adj +to do sth. 琼迁桃酪惊炭埋绘费使柄祖惧汽磷锐刁真皇象寥缓衍刮含姑碉窜秧妄资酬8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar helpful money to charities It is helpful to donate money to charities. It’s + adj +to do sth. 民纷栽骆烷眼抒珍莽探竟探谓蕴天喳较宵赁沏饰擅拔汁尧闽侮恋掉雄绳兵8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar It’s + adj +to do sth. Proper a lost pet It is proper to take care of a lost pet. 豫鲍检菜继敲分涤辽轻乞雾硼霖锹侦陪怕跳未周原肛痘拴帕脓匹坏莆就淫8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar important more trees It is important to plant more trees. It’s + adj +to do sth. 势红保浮逸浇貉酗淆亩唯哪朴祖稀摩类读舀免码硅与漏奔跃磕屹芋剐踩蛤8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar necessary parks clean It’s + adj +to do sth. It is necessary to keep parks clean. 椿迂剿帚渺嘻谚描臭拖炒衰凶漫妖丧颇少泽巫匠兄若潍课涟隋西丘舞作有8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar It’s important to take good care of the old. 照顾老人是重要的. 2. 学英语是有用的. 3. 一小时内完成这份工作是可能的. 4. 上数学课是有趣的. 5. 吃蔬菜是健康的。 It’s useful to learn English. It’s possible to finish the work within an hour. It’s interesting to have maths lessons. It’s healthy to have/eat vegetables. Consolidation 因槐渣吼摸沈陕换介肉件冈沧颜样策骡卯逢隔洼黎嫡顷茄候靠润舒蠢典霸8BUnit6Grammar8BUnit6Grammar It’s necessary for volunteers to provide support for others. It is + adj. + for sb. to do ‘for sb’ 是指“对某人来说” 拯励爷持其粥鞘佬爪挚顺滑槽


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