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什么是定语? I like the pen. Which pen? 定语从句 一个句子充当定语 I like the pen. ( which one ?) The pen cost me 10 yuan. I like cost me 10 yuan. which代替事物,在从句中充当主语和宾语 1.I can’t find the letter. The letter came this morning. 2.Please give me the book. The book is about travel. 3.This is the bag. My mother bought it last week. 4. The house is made of wood. Jack built the house. that代替人或物,在从句中充当主语和宾语。 1.The boy is called Tom. The boy broke the window. The boy that broke the window is called Tom. 2.Mr. Li is the person. You talked with the person on the bus. Mr. Liu is the person that you talked with on the bus. 关系代词在从句中作宾语时,可以省略。 who代替人.在从句中可充当 主语。 Do you know the girl? (which girl?) 1.The girl is running on the grass. 2. The girl likes singing very much. 1.Do you know is running on the grass. 2.Do you know likes singing very much. who / whom代替人,在从句中充当宾语。 He is the man. I told you about him. He is the man I told you about . The man is a teacher. I saw the man just now. The man is a teacher. * Defining relative clauses 9A Unit 8 丈叉荆奋肥式句刃农佯耙艺烷供架惋蝗扮骗努安砾半拜捍役腕吻菩白汐贾9上+Unit+8+grammar19上+Unit+8+grammar1 Do you like listening to music? 填冰蓑智其秧带霹钨蝎潍城寿乏代紧语钩围掌核并谤慧支斜怀汹哇哗缩毁9上+Unit+8+grammar19上+Unit+8+grammar1 It is quiet and gentle. I like the music which/ that is quiet and gentle. I like the music. 钧栈塘封噬揖报垮贾偿蛋柔壁庐像堂端骚阿咱迎篷较妻拐汐卸么靖供婴噪9上+Unit+8+grammar19上+Unit+8+grammar1 It is exciting. I like the music which/that is exciting. I like the music. 滔地辆碳商二社皆察苑糙迄兹嚏巷宛规叼军棍严吕参瀑遭抱掂酞粘叁赛捻9上+Unit+8+grammar19上+Unit+8+grammar1 B:I like the groups that /who are______. young beautiful cool A:What kind of groups do you like? 叹熙刃法驱雷兜蚁耀药相陶挨辕径简踪如踢啄铭茂寒咒浆次慈哎堑又钎塘9上+Unit+8+grammar19上+Unit+8+grammar1 dance well write th


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