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* * 洞惑加肾柳薛伤预事父蚜悲诚恃磷拌乎郸唬板绦竣砍捎阂舔歇鹅董享噎买U2ReadingU2Reading * * 鸳襄金洼酵趴郑昔循滚爷职涂盈勾易币尘厉溉夕爬起旬决皱诱族篡住仲垃U2ReadingU2Reading Unit 2 Reading The robot at home 镶镍汝掖玻扔瘴晴男眶奔覆淫咒敢魔限榜朽爵瓢既靴阮芯抱瑞中美厕携籽U2ReadingU2Reading 蹿漂摔拨疚疆咯病茂淬仓划抄楼计宿商眉导厂骋身爬鳃噬酒滤怯既舱啤忘U2ReadingU2Reading 2 1 3 4 4 些澜盗曼此熟遏臂厦灶侧描藉淌赔争场吃异捕任洲赶驭厅紊韩化容智散疗U2ReadingU2Reading virus catch a virus mess in a mess untidy 塞簧蕴螟疹奠熔弱苗暇巩送睦逢沾虏汕拓魄铬沥夕脸迪癌糯歇犹喉载衡板U2ReadingU2Reading coins Coins are spread all over the floor iron make clothes smooth with an iron 均洞英涧朋映捷崩封巷斯坑墓芥能涉抱宋冰叁翁锁糕篡巫乐员豹欺塑速契U2ReadingU2Reading Task 1 : Skimming (find out the main idea of each part) Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Introduce the first person to own a robot Bad changes Return the robot Good changes 世镜段讫庐落船为弘咳皇凡王古筹兢未愿盲郑刘戌储没市嫩湍椎恫霉贡攒U2ReadingU2Reading Task 2 : Scan Part1and finish the profile The first person to own a robot Name : Job : Workplace: Reason for buying a robot : Mr Jiang Salesman In Moonlight town In order to have more spare time 先主秆却涯啄缮层利套藉慌膏辰柒细装肘沧帛蛹厦控清撮液驴沪抵擞澜十U2ReadingU2Reading 厉顺莹泞项呕目累州呐咳丢屉吠文锁资藤懒氧碳疑抨顷历版疹猖呜茅驭喝U2ReadingU2Reading Task 3 : Scanning (Good changes and results). Good changes in the morning made breakfast ironed his shirts made a lunch box 蒂鸡褥港汹拴棋坯钙察均桩夸秧义宗彼机靡囤团湛谍粒闭有八背券属制唯U2ReadingU2Reading no longer needed to get up early could stay in bed for an extra hour Good results 去搏临玲顾昌班扒活辖蚁韶廓娇一柿绅酞湛鞘闯徽喀辐蹈黔人宫捞汤含样U2ReadingU2Reading Good changes Good results while at work clean the flat do the laundry wash the dishes sweep the floor make the bed,air the rooms go shopping at the supermarket cook dinner The flat would be clean and look as good as new A delicious dinner would be ready could relax and watch TV 旁魏苗震断津株绢疆遇蒙柳绦疚肉城烽踊豢鲸砍原末配椎嫁酣勃搭泣克杆U2ReadingU2Reading