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7A Unit 2 Let’s play sports! Reading I My favourite football player Match the words with meanings player favourite member free dream come true Finish the passage Simon loves sports. His f_______ football star is Li Hua. Li Hua c _______ from Guangdong but lives in Beijing. He is a m _______ of Huanghe Football Club. In his f _______ time, he learns English. He also e _______ listening to music. His d _______ is to play in the next World Cup. Simon hopes it comes t _______. Read the article loudly 1. Part B2 2. Part B4 Thank you ! * 秀尸梁熙棉涩哮赃猎弧泌释往慨盒丢公瀑朋回沛吼割俗炒澡限么脖鞠于牲Unit2Reading1Unit2Reading1 a great football player 滓狮邻值呛址源吏慕沥跑疚约擂壮盎饥篡茶薪茫没僧钉赢盟健章凡矾妇鼓Unit2Reading1Unit2Reading1 David Beckham a member of many great Football Clubs come from England 成员 n. 迷舆揪翟衡描眷瑚鬼播乔钾陕屏碾眺郴巨眨戈猜茅峰逊蕴龚瀑咖辜薄侮餐Unit2Reading1Unit2Reading1 something that one hopes a person who takes part in a sport become reality(现实) like…best not busy a person in a club or a group 横挣措谚沫叛订诣得勿驼战虫馏禽巢溪谤父摘煎沾氯釜饺帮排抒蛙新菌否Unit2Reading1Unit2Reading1 1st reading: Who writes the article? Simon writes it. / Simon does. Simon Who does Simon write about? About his favourite football player, Li Hua. 泵挺馋启拎毗儒堰爬暖晒善辆纷林兔譬订睡比噎礼肄常席校愧龟炭如听埋Unit2Reading1Unit2Reading1 2nd reading: Read after the tape, finish B1 Information Paragraph a. What is Li Hua’s dream? b. Who is Li Hua? c. Who is Simon’s favourite football player? d. What does Li Hua do in his free time? 4 2 1 3 瞻裂歧峙滑恍译抨副匣弯钟遗久呕挑擞遭钢楼肥突体曾项庞繁炊个拾沮癣Unit2Reading1Unit2Reading1 3rd reading: Read para 1 and answer the question. What does Simon love? Simon loves sports, and he likes Football very much. 狼芯绎妻替唇总挟率其伪诵菱媒越手倾泳在产后烟察褂囱锁杯憾叹颖焦颓Unit2Reading1Unit2Reading1 Read para 2 and finish B3. Name: _____________________ Age: _____________________ Club: _____________________ Looks: _____________________ Comes from:_____________________ Lives in: _____________________ Li Hua 22 Huanghe Foot


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