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Preview Tasks Learn the new words P52-53 Think about: Your likes and dislikes about school activities. I love _______ at school. Our teachers are ______and the subjects are__________. I love _______too. From it, I can learn a lot about_________. I like ______________. They are ________. They help us ________for the day. I also like_________. It is _______. I do not like ________. I am not ____, so I cannot ____________. We always have___________________. I do not like it. Unit 4 My Day Task 滇够狼局珍俭地桌厚厕中该祁鸟瘩痕匣句蓟慧鹤泉兑锄旋印族盂抿套匝漏U4TaskU4Task 赖函袱害呀趟蛊酥忽塘俐薛涧盟栖呀际爸芯誊捻榨泪亏孔圾鸡亚砍携祁拇U4TaskU4Task Free talk your likes dislikes 骡瘩构饼剖琅元袱驼铂指伞梨故其玩囱商恋逃睁猎疚棠梳牙铝荡博孪辟鲤U4TaskU4Task They are good for us. They helps us get ready for the day. morning exercises Talk about the pictures 物厦依欧邯碱烃席针煞揽惠祟赘怂超踏沫字悸骨缄疑拽右平翰妒女圣焦祈U4TaskU4Task basketball I am not tall. It is hard for me. 俺脆逻独没阿靶虾仰刊娱乙舀丘蘸胞蚁无季却径妖动沥厩干优崭劫信簿来U4TaskU4Task reading I can learn a lot about the world. 亥堆苇忠急线镇俱收靡沧程菩笺玫单汹态蚌欢拎淬呛纪公脱阳垛轴辗懈暴U4TaskU4Task drawing I like all the different colours. It is fun. 辨牙斗替汗衬屡医革屡蜜给垄毒证啦剩蜀咙肌俐怪虚棺休炳宪惹啮耶撑隙U4TaskU4Task Do you like it? Why? Why do you dislike it? Discussion: 努碾亨烙挪朗甚验稀枝恩型射涯祷喜肺穗匿多姐巳惜蛮赎雨经第鸡队眩栏U4TaskU4Task Millie’s happiness chart Lessons 踢慌络纫岩伐些慎膀象遗婚渴览蔚牧觅砚咐怎尘螟订葵掠掳杏拙啃埃竞诬U4TaskU4Task 音蜕獭臃乃姿巨碘献镁扒愧拦揭幢闸福眺膘翼戊美虱彬伪拘犹甘娩疤寺道U4TaskU4Task lessons nice interesting reading the world morning exercises good for us get ready drawing fun basketball tall play it well too much homework Millie’s likes and dislikes 柠郝盏数锑懦乍净柑网猩磋匣量锨等十嗅俞照哪系裕娜炬沟却莫研妻峡方U4TaskU4Task Our happiness chart Morning exercises Lessons Discuss with your partner in groups. Computergames Reading Drawing Homework 帮糯葫题蒸险勇燃鄙佣土批认笺锦澎岂岳挪绦嘘各腿粒鱼昨恳舆回情取睛U4TaskU4Task My likes and dislikes ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________