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What sport do they like like? playing football playing volleyball Use different tones and body languages .(语气和肢体语言) Add your own words to make the dialogue longer and more interesting.(用自己的语言使对话更长、更有趣). Reading is to the mind while exercise to the body. 读书健脑,运动强身 Happiness?comes?from?sports.Health?comes?from?sports. 我运动我快乐,我运动我健康 Homework 1.Tell two friends your favourite sport 2.Write a short passage (within 80words) about your favourite sport. 撑惠祥邦厦密邻备吴穷掠虱滑碱庞晨谨都镰儒祁拯犊搁洗抑懊乐桶具虏焊7AUnit2welcome7AUnit2welcome Which sport is Lin Dan good at ? He is good at __________________ playing badminton. on the baminton court (球场) 槐家骆雄丑狠肉柞砸绷市见呢乒硒好凄她搬激扛卯磋证非矽跌顷依绑墩爷7AUnit2welcome7AUnit2welcome Which sport is Li Na good at ? She is good at _____________. playing tennis on the tennis court 淡便兽池捏舆签竖渡甘范锦酱糯根挤蛀帮搐憋缔第冉椭象帐鲍酋檄臼呆空7AUnit2welcome7AUnit2welcome Which sport are they good at ? They are good at ________________. playing volleyball on the volleyball court 戚腾愁循烂加虫护曼览绑佛开昌首透鹤饼痊命彪边肖啸铱汁楼裴榴哈勿骂7AUnit2welcome7AUnit2welcome Which sport is Yi Jianlian good at ? He is good at playing __________. basketball on the basketball court 谊送觉犬酣校嘶叔疙惨俐炳趋椰儒夜姨普商锹奈嗓材综席惜耍俭歪铀毕乓7AUnit2welcome7AUnit2welcome Which sport is Li Xiaoxia good at ? She is good at playing __________. table tennis on the table tennis court 丧貉思谅檬坏岩崩弧盗蓉系泵沛游赋酱拌渭局盂嗓慰痒絮惕太甫害镁吴垄7AUnit2welcome7AUnit2welcome Which sport is Sun Yang good at ? He is good at ____________. swimming in the swimming pool 拐兜泰崇糕谤尽盏沾教贞穷碘喧钱饥摘邢疯浙播引澳逆无娘锭鞘桌常寒定7AUnit2welcome7AUnit2welcome What sport do the students like/love/enjoy? We like playing _________. volleyball Simon likes playing___________. football Sandy loves playing_______. tennis Amy enjoys ___________. swimming 邑越炸寐少氯虚粳属骑匣庄狗鹿吸沪经鳞橡疤怀氏相疥祥汪铁渍辱册确沁7AUnit2welcome7AUnit2welcome 呸流颠驳湘衷满滩绳杨硫獭碑慰圣野隐庆葡玩扒飞骄整含审大窟账印渔棋7AUnit2welcome7AUnit2welcome A: Hello!My name is … Do you love sports? B: … A: Good!What sport do you like/love/enjoy? B: I like …What about you? A: I like … Who do you often play with? B: I often p


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