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第二部分 论文参考文献 论文的参考文献参考文献指作者在撰写论文过程中所参考过的图书、杂志及其他文献资料。这些参考文献是论文论据的可靠来源,也是论文论点得以成立的坚实基础,反映出作者的研究范围的学术视野。因此,参考文献是论文的一个不可缺少的部分。 I引文 引文是指作者在论证过程中为证明论文论点而引用的参考文献中的相关内容。 引文有直接引文和间接引文两种。直接引文又有成段(句)全引和删减性引文(即删去引文中的某些词语)之分。使用间接引文时,要注意引文与论文论点的高度融合。使用直接引文时,则须注意以下几点: 论文中使用直接引文不宜过多,最好不要超过论文总体的10%,以避免“剽窃”之嫌。 一段引文如果过到或超过四行,就叫大段摘引(英语称block quotation)这时候,引文必须独立成段,无需引号。独立成段时,引文左边的开头应向右缩进四个字母的位置。如以下例子中的划线部分: …Hawthorne who was the harbinger of the thought in American history endued Hester with the advanced thought: Indeed , the same dark question often rose into his mind , with reference to the whole race of womanhood…As a first step , the whole system of society is to be torn down, and built up anew, then , the very nature if the opposite sex, of its long hereditary habit…is to be essentially modified, before woman can be allowed to assume what seems a fair and suitable position… (3) 在不损害引文内涵的情况下,作者可以根据需要,对引文进行删减(即删去那些次要的、与论文论点无关的东西),但不得任意删减,更不能断章取义、歪曲愿意。 1.2直接引用 A. 如果原著作者的姓氏在自己的行文中没有提到,那你需要把作者的姓氏,出版时间用括弧括起,放在引文的后面, 引文用双引号。 例:Conceptually, motivation is seen as “the combination of effort plus desire to achieve the goal of learning the language plus favorable attitude toward learning language”(Gardner, 1985). B. 如果引文中原来就有引号,将有引号的部分改为单引号。 Based on different findings, it is proposed that “ ‘the type of motivation and its strength are likely to be determined less by some generalized principle and more by ‘who learns what in what milieu?’” (Laser-Freeman Long, 1993). C. 如果直接引用所涉及到的作者有多位,除遵守以上A,B两条外,其他规则与间接引用相同。? D. 直接引文的字数如少于40英文单词或4行,引文直接放到段落中。否则引文单独成段,段落用“齐头式”,整个段落缩行5个空格,字号缩小为5号。引文不需引号,如引文中已有引号,保留原来的引号。? ………… Raymond William explains that the word career has all but lost its original meaning. ? Career is now so regularly used to describe a person’s progress in life, or, by derivation from this, his profession or vocation that it is difficult to remember, in the same context, its original meaning of a recourse and a gallop—though in some contexts, as in the phrase “Careering about,” these


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