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项脊轩,旧南阁子也。室仅方丈,可容一人居。百年老屋,尘泥渗漉,雨泽下注;每移案,顾视无可置者。又北向,不能得日,日过午已昏。余稍为修葺,使不上漏。前辟四窗,垣墙周庭,以当南日,日影反照,室始洞然。又杂植兰桂竹木于庭,旧时栏楯,亦遂增胜。借书满架,偃仰啸歌,冥然兀坐,万籁有声;而庭阶寂寂,小鸟时来啄食,人至不去。三五之夜,明月半墙,桂影斑驳,风移影动,珊珊可爱。 项脊轩,是过去的南阁子。屋里仅仅一丈见方,只可容纳一个人居住。这是已有上百年的老屋子,(屋顶墙上的)泥土从上边漏下来,雨水也往下流;每当移动书桌时,左看右看没有可以安放的地方。又朝北,不能照到阳光,天一过中午就已经昏暗。我稍稍修理了一下,使它不从上面漏土漏雨。前面开了四扇窗子,院子四周砌上围墙,用来挡住南面射来的日光,日光反照,室内才明亮起来。又在庭院里错杂地种上兰花、桂树、竹子等,往日的栏杆,也就增加了新的光彩。借来的书籍摆满书架,我安居室内,长啸高歌,有时又静静地独自端坐,听到自然界各种各样的声音;庭院、阶前却静悄悄的,小鸟不时飞下来啄食。十五的夜晚,明月高悬,照亮半截墙壁,桂树的影子交杂错落,微风吹来,花影摇动,美丽可爱。 The Hsiang-chi Belvedere was formerly called the Southern Pavilion. It was less than twelve feet square, just the size for one person to live in. An old shed about a hundred years in age, it was penetrated by dust and dirt, and when it rained, water would seep in. I used to try to relocate the desk and yet, looking around, could not find a dry spot for it. Also, the room faced north and therefore did not get any sunshine; as soon as noontime passed, it would grow dark inside. I made a few repairs. First I stopped the leak in the ceiling, installed four windows in the front, and had a wall facing the sun in the south built around the courtyard. Now the sunshine is reflected into the room from the wall, brightening the room. I also planted in the courtyard orchid, cassia, bamboo, and some trees, which enhance the grace of the old balustrades and thresholds. Then I filled up the shelves with books. Now it has become a place where I may sit back or lie down, to chant or sing aloud. Often I sit alone in silence, and nature presents its myriad sounds against the quiet all around the courtyard. Little birds frequently come to peck at food, and do not leave even when people approach them. On the fifteenth of the lunar month, the bright moon lights up half of the wall, and the shadow of the cassia trees spreads out in a fine pattern. When a wind arises, the shadow stirs. A lovely sight indeed. 然余居于此,多可喜,亦多可悲。先是,庭中通南北为一。迨诸父异爨,内外多置小门,墙往往而是。东犬西吠,客逾庖而宴,鸡栖于厅。庭中始为篱,已为墙,凡再变矣。家有老妪, 尝居于


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