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Spirit of the Great Wall The heartbroken Lady Mengjiang cried for three days and nights until the Great Wall collapsed one section after another. Spirit of the Great Wall The Great Wall has become a symbol of consolidation and strength for the Chinese people. It symbolizes that great achievement can be made with a common will and concerted effort. Spirit of the Great Wall The national anthem, composed during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1937-1945), called on the people to “build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood”. Can you cite an example of the spirit of the Great Wall? Wonder of the Great Wall Have you ever been to the Great Wall? What is your impression? Wonder of the Great Wall 清平乐·六盘山    天高云淡, 望断南飞雁。 不到长城非好汉, 屈指行程二万。 六盘山上高峰, 红旗漫卷西风。 今日长缨在手, 何时缚住苍龙?    —毛泽东 Wonder of the Great Wall The Simatai section built near Beijing in the Ming Dynasty best represents the undulating (起伏的) and thythmic flow of the Great Wall. As a popular saying has it, Simatai epitomizes (代表) the wonder of the Great Wall for being the most precipitous (陡峻的) part of it. Word tips The Simatai section:司马台长城 独具“险、密、奇、巧、全”五大特点,位于北京市密云县东北部的古北口镇,是我国唯一保留明代原貌的古建筑遗址。 Wonder of the Great Wall 司马台长城 A precipitous part of the Simatai section of the Great Wall Wonder of the Great Wall Wonder of the Great Wall Wonder of the Great Wall Wonder of the Great Wall The most breathtaking parts of the Simatai section are called Cloud Ladder and Heavenly Bridge. The Cloud Ladder is much narrower than the normal width of the Wall (three-to-five meters on average), the narrowest part being only half a meter wide. Up at the top of the Cloud Ladder, one comes to the Heavenly Bridge, the 100-meter-long narrow belt of wall on the mountain ridge, with deep valleys on either side. Wonder of the Great Wall The highest point of the Simatai section is Wangjing Tower (望京楼), at an altitude of 986 meters. From here, one can capture a panoramic (全景的) overview



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