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学 号:__________
设计题目:2800 t/d水泥生产线工艺流程设计
关键词:生料粉磨 立磨设备选型 工艺设计 ,配料计算
Design Description
This design is related to raw material grinding of the 2800t/d cement production line. The vertical roller mill in which grinding, drying and separating are combined has good performance in drying and grinding. The process unit is mature. The three air blower system is equipped. According to the crude fuel chemical composition and design clinker composition, the raw material proportions and the raw material consume and the productivity requested of the raw material grinding system’s are calculated. The gas and the dust removal system are designed according to the computation of grinding system’s hot working parameter. The design has submitted flow chart 1 .
Keyword:Raw material grinding ,Roller mill, Equipment Selection , Process Design, Burden calculation
1绪论 - 1 -
1.1 生料粉磨系统 - 1 -
1.1.1 生料粉磨系统流程 - 1 -
1.1.2 生料粉磨系统分类 - 1 -
1.1.3生料粉磨系统流程图 - 2 -
1.2 立磨 - 2 -
1.2.1 立磨的发展 - 2 -
1.2.2 立磨的特点 - 3 -
1.2.3 立磨的结构及工作原理 - 4 -
1.2.4 MLS立磨辊磨机 - 5 -
2 配料计算 - 6 -
2.1 原料,燃料化学组成 - 6 -
2.2 三个率值的确定 - 7 -
2.2.1 率值的定义 - 7 -
2.2.2 率值的确定 - 7 -
2.3 粉煤灰掺入量计算 - 8 -
利用如下公式计算: - 8 -
2.4 熟料化学组成计算 - 9 -
2.5 物料配比计算 - 9 -
2.6 熟料化学组成计算 - 10 -
表2-6生料化学成分表 - 10 -
2.7熟料率值计算 - 10 -
熟料的率值计算如下: - 10 -
2.8干湿换算 - 10 -
2.9 料耗计算 - 11 -
2.9.1 生料的理论消耗量 - 11 -
2.9.2 各种干原料的消耗定额: - 11 -
2.9.3 石膏和混合材消耗定额 - 12 -
2.10 燃煤计算 - 12 -
2.10.1 烧成用煤消耗定额: - 12 -
3 主机平衡计算及选型 - 14 -
3.1 立磨的选型 - 14 -
3.2 各生产车间主机设备选型 - 15 -
4 储库平衡计算 - 16 -
4.1 储库选型原理 - 16 -
4.2 储库计算 - 17 -
5 热量平衡计算 - 17 -
5.1 原始资料 - 17 -
5.2 热量平衡计算 - 18 -
5.2.1 收入热量 - 18 -
5.2.2 热量支出 - 19 -
5.2.3 热量平衡 - 20 -
6 辅机选型 - 20 -