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《红楼梦》章回目录 第 一 回 甄士隐梦幻识通灵 贾雨村风尘怀闺秀 Zhen Shi-yin makes the Stones acquaintance in a dream And Jia Yu-cun finds that poverty is not incompatible with romantic feelings (David Hawkes)/ Chen Shih-yin in a dream Sees the Jade of Spiritual Understanding Chia Yu-tsun In His Obscurity Is Charmed by a Maid 第 二 回 贾夫人仙逝扬州城 冷子兴演说荣国府 A daughter of Jias ends her days in Yangchow city And Leng Zi-xing discourses on the Jias of Rong-guo House/ Lady Jia Dies in the City of Yangchow Leng Tsu-hsing Describes the Jung Mansion 第 三 回 贾雨村夤缘复旧职 林黛玉抛父进京都 Lin Ru-hai recommends a private tutor to his brother-in-law, And old Lady Jia extends a compassionate welcome to the motherless child(David Hawkes)/ Lin Ru-hai Recommends a Tutor to His Brother-in-law, The Lady Dowager Sends for her Motherless Grand-Daughter 第 四 回 薄命女偏逢薄命郎 葫芦僧乱判葫芦案 The Bottle-gourd girl meets an unfortunate young man, And the Bottle-gourd monk settles a protracted lawsuit/ An Ill-Fated Girl Meets an Ill-Fated Man, A Confounded Monk Ends a Confounded Case 第 五 回 游幻境指迷十二钗 饮仙醪曲演红楼梦 Jia Bao-yu visits the Land of Illusion And the fairy Disenchantment performs the‘Dream of Golden Days’/ The Spiritual Stone Is Too Bemused to Grasp the Fairys Riddle, The Goddess of Disenchantment In Her Kindness Secretly Expounds on Love 第 六 回 贾宝玉初试云雨情 刘姥姥一进荣国府 Jia Bao-yu conducts his first experience in the Art of Love, And Grannie Liu makes her first entry into the Rong-Guo Mansion/ Pao-yu Has His First Taste of Love, Granny Liu Pays Her First Visit to the Jung Mansion 第 七 回 送宫花贾琏戏熙凤 宴宁府宝玉会秦钟 Zhou Ruis wife delivers palace flowers and finds Jia Lian pursuing night sports by day, Jia Bao-yu visits the Ning-guo mansion and has an agreeable colloquy with Qin-shis brother/ Madam Yu Invites Hsing Leng Alone, At a Feast in the Ning Mansion Pao-yu First Meets Chin Chung. 第 八 回 比通灵金莺微露意 探宝钗黛玉半含酸 Jia Bao-yu is allowed to see the strangely golden locket, And Xue Bao-chai has a predestined encounter with the Magic Jade/ Nanny Li Makes a Nuisa


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