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单词速记 初中版(下) Lesson 3 Science and technology WORDS Personal Computer (PC) Desktop Notebook Laptop All-in-one computer monitor [?m?n?t?(r)] host [h??st] keyboard mouse Word: Electric。 electric [??lektr?k] adj. electric fan electricity [??lek?tr?s?ti] n. electrical [??lektr?kl] adj.电力学的 The electrical engineer tells us that the electric fan doesn’t work because of the electricity problem. quick [kw?k] adj. quiet [?kwa??t] adj. quite [kwa?t] adv The computer is not only quite quick, but also quite quiet. Word: Quick Word: Develop develop [d??vel?p] v. developing [d??vel?p??] adj. developed [d??vel?pt] adv. development [d??vel?pm?nt] n. The development of the developing countries developed faster than the already developed countries. Word: Invent invent [?n?vent] v. invention [?n?ven?n] n. inventor [?n?vent?(r)] n. The inventor invented a new invention. instruct [?n?str?kt] instruction [?n?str?k?n] Instructor [?n?str?kt?(r)] The instruction instructs us how to contact with the instructor. Word: Instruction 翻译: 1.那个电力工程师告诉我们由于电力故障,导致了电风扇无法工作 2.这台电脑不但很快,而且超静音。 3.发展中国家的发展比发达国家要快。 4.这个发明家发明了一项新发明 5.这个说明书指导着我们要怎样与指导员联系。 Word: Skills Clairaudient [kle?‘?:d??nt] 顺风耳 Freeze time 冻结时间 Teleport [?telip?:t] 瞬间移动 High-end atmosphere 高大上/高逼格 Word: Time sometimes 有时 some times 几次 sometime 某个时候 =some time 一段时间 We have met some times this year. I sometimes meet him in the park. But I haven’t see him for some time. So I will visit him sometime this week. Word: Fun fun [?f?ni] n. funny [?f?ni] adj funny bone funny money Word: Special special [?spe?l] specialty [?spe??lti] The specialty of this restaurant is special Word: Different differ [?d?f?(r)] v. difference [?d?fr?ns] n. different [?d?fr?nt] adj. There are two different pictures. How do they differ, and tell me the differences. important [?m?p?:tnt] importance [?m?p?:tns] confident confidence 听写单词: 1. 在过度使用超能力后,那个强大的外星人变得很虚弱了。 2. 我们今年见过几次,有时候我们在公园碰见他,但是也有一段时间没见了,所以我打算这周的某个时间去拜访一下他。 3. 这家餐馆的特色菜很特别 4. 这


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