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中国风能的利用现状及发展 姓名: 学号: 专业: 指导老师: 2016年11月21日 摘 要 随着化石能源的不断消耗,新能源的开发利用引起了世界各国的重视。新能源具有污染少、储量大、永续性等特点。我国新能源产业呈现强劲发展势头,其中,风电发展最为迅猛。我国风能资源丰富,目前中国风电技术的开发利用取得了巨大进步。但中国的风能资源开发利用仍然存在诸多问题,如风电的并网消纳难、电力市场不完善、相关配套法规不健全和风机制造技术基础薄弱等,这些制约因素严重阻碍了我国风电的可持续发展。本文着重阐述了中国新能源风能的资源条件、我国风能发展现状及制约中国风能发展的因素并对我国风能发电的发展前景进行了展望。 关键词:新能源,风能资源,风电 Abstract: The present situation and development of China new energy wind power Abstract:With the constant consumption of fossil energy, the development and utilization of new energy has aroused world attention.New energy has the advantages of less pollution,large reserves, sustainability.Chinas new energy industry have shown a strong momentum of development,among them, the most rapid development is wind power. China is rich in wind energy resources and the development and utilization of Chinese wind power technology has made greatprogress.But the development and utilization of wind energy resources still exist many problems in China, such as the difficult of wind power grid.The power market is not perfect, the relevant laws and regulations are not perfect and the wind turbine manufacturing technology foundation is weak and so on.These factors seriously hindered the sustainable development of Chinaswind power.This paper focuses on the factors of Chinese new energy wind energy resources,the development of wind energy in China,the restriction of Chinese wind energy and the prospects for the development of wind power generation in China. Key words:new energy;wind energy;wind power. 目 录 1中国的风能资源及分布 - 2 - 2中国风能开发利用现状 - 2 - 2. 1风电装机容量和发电量规模不断扩大 - 2 - 2. 2中国风电技术取得了较大进步 - 2 - 2.3海上风电的发展 - 2 - 3制约中国风能发展的因素 - 2 - 3. 1风电快速发展与并网消纳难并存 - 2 - 3. 2现行电力市场机制严重约束了我国风电的发展 - 2 - 3. 3风电技术阻碍了我国风电的健康有序发展 - 2 - 4中国风能未来的发展 - 2 - 5结论 - 2 - 参考文献 2 引言 : 能源是人类生存和发展的重要物质基础,是人类从事各种经济活动的原动力。由于化石能源(如煤、石油、天然气等能源)自然储量的有限性以及人类对其需求的无限性,随着人类对化石燃料无节制的开采和利用,化石能源短缺的矛盾日益突出。长期以来,我国以化石能源为主的能源构成形式加剧了对化石能源的依赖,据统计,2007 -2010年我国能源消耗总量不断上升(见表1),增长率分别为7. 8%、4. 0%、6. 3%、5. 9%;2011年能源消耗总量达34. 8亿t标准煤,比


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