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摘 要:湖北恩施蕴藏有丰富硒矿资源。为了明确植物对硒矿及土壤中几种常见硒形态的吸收利用差异,通过土培试验,研究了不 同硒源(亚硒酸盐、硒酸盐、硒矿及硒粉)对小麦生长及硒吸收分配的影响,并分析了其对小麦后茬作物玉米的后效。结果表明,施用 硒酸盐、亚硒酸盐及硒粉对小麦各部位生物量无显著影响,施用硒矿显著增加了小麦生物量,其增幅可达 11.56%。小麦对不同硒源 的吸收能力为硒酸盐跃亚硒酸盐跃硒矿跃硒粉,不同硒源处理下硒向小麦地上部的转移能力为硒酸盐跃硒矿跃硒粉跃亚硒酸盐。施用硒 矿、亚硒酸盐、硒酸盐以及硒粉后小麦籽粒中硒含量的比例为 1颐2.95颐19.19颐0.15,其后效在玉米地上部硒含量的比例为 1颐1.96颐6.44颐 0.07,由此表明硒矿在玉米后效上与亚硒酸盐和硒酸盐处理的差距显著缩小,硒粉则难以被作物吸收利用。总的来看,硒矿对作物 生长的改善能力最强,而且具有相对持久的后效。 关键词:小麦;玉米;硒酸盐;亚硒酸盐;硒矿;硒粉窗体顶端 中图分类号:S512.1 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-2043(2017)01-0001-07 doi:10.11654/jaes.2016-0968 Effects of different selenium sources on wheat growth, selenium uptake and utilization and the aftereffects on maize LI Ming-feng1,2, DENG Xiao-fang1,2, FU Xiao-li1, DUAN Bi-hui3, ZHANG Hai-qing1,2, ZHAO Zhu-qing1,2, LIU Xin-wei1,2* (1.Microelement Research Center, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China; 2.Hubei Provincial Engineering Laboratory for New-Type Fertilizer, Wuhan 430070, China; 3.Hubei Institute of Selenium-rich Industry, Wuhan 430034, China) Abstract:Human dietary Se intake is largely governed by Se concentrations in plants. In order to clarify the difference of plants uptake and utilization on selenium ore and the other common forms of Se in the soil, we studied the growth, Se uptake and utilization of wheat and ana原 lyzed its aftereffect on maize between different sources of Se(selenite; selenate; selenium ore; selenium powder)based on pot experiment. The results showed that the application of selenate, selenite and selenium powder had no obvious effect on biomass of wheat, but selenium ore significantly increased biomass of wheat by 11.56%. The uptake capacity of different selenium sources by wheat followed the sequence of selenateseleniteselenium oreselenium powder. The ability of transport Se in wheat from roots to shoots showed a tendency of selenate selenium oreselenium powderselenite. The content of Se in wheat grain had the ratio of 1颐2.95颐19.19颐0.15 when selenate, selenite, seleni原 um ore, selenium powder were applied, respective


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