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上海近代园林的现代化演进 Zhang Deshun 同济大学 1 上海近代园林的现代化演进历程 1840-1949年的近代百余年间,上海园林的观念、技术、制度、内容与形式发生了历史性的变革。 上海古典园林 上海传统园林自古受中国古典园林,尤其是江南园林的影响,历来以“娇小玲珑、文闲雅致”而著称。从东晋时期开始萌芽,经历两宋至明以前的发展和过度,终于在明中叶迎来了向往已久的鼎盛时期。以现今上海市依然保存的五大古典园林为代表。 秋霞圃Garden of Autumn Vapors Qiuxia Pu or Qiuxia Garden is a garden in Jiading, in the North of Shanghai. Built in the 15th century, it served as the private garden of Gong Hong (龚弘,1450-1526), the head of the Ministry of Works. 明弘治15年 (公元1502年) 园内布局以清水池塘为中心,石山环绕,古木参天,造园艺术独特。全园分四个景区,布局精致,环境幽雅,小巧玲珑。景物与色彩的变化 都不大,但给人诗情画意的遐想。 古猗园(Guyi Garden) Guyi Garden is a classical Chinese garden in the town of Nanxiang in the suburban Jiading District of Shanghai, China. Designed in the typical style of a Jiangnan classical garden, Guyi Garden is regarded as one of the five most important classical gardens of Shanghai. The garden was originally during the Jiajing era (1522–1566) of the Ming dynasty. 古猗园以绿竹猗猗、静曲水幽、建筑典雅、楹联诗词以及花石小路等五大特色闻名。 Guyi Garden is famous for its five characteristics:beautiful grand appearance of bamboo, the quiet and winding water streams, elegant buildings, ancient antithetical couplets and poems. 明嘉靖年间 (公元1522-1566年) 占地 130 亩,风格与苏州的拙政园比较接近。全园分为六个景区,各有其不同风貌。园林艺术构思兼顾城市山林自然情趣,令人遐思。园内高堂秀亭,石舫水榭,竹径幽,楼阁长廊,古树名卉,石径曲水,居于古朴、素雅、清谈、洗练之园艺特色。 豫园(Yu Garden) Yuyuan Garden, means Garden of Happiness(in Chinese) is an ancient Chinese garden located beside the City God Temple in the northeast of the Old City of Shanghai, China. It was first conceived in 1559 during the Ming Dynasty as a private garden. A centerpiece is the Currow ancient stone (玉玲珑), a porous 3.3-m, 5-ton boulder. 明嘉靖38年 (公元 1559 年) 庭园占地约二百平方米,分为外院与内院,全园分六个景区,揉和我国明、清两代园林建筑艺术的古园林。楼阁参差,山石峥嵘,树木翠绿,以清幽秀丽,玲珑剔透见长,具有小中见大的特色。 Today, Yu Garden occupies an area of 2 hectares (5 acres), and is divided into six general areas laid out in the Suzhou style: Sansui Hall (三穗堂, Sān Suì Táng, lit. Three Tassel Hall) – includes the Grand Rockery (大假山, Dà Jiǎshān ), a 12-meter-high rockery made of huang


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