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科技英语翻译 Safety Instructions By 张欢欢 Contents Welding Power circuit Welding Fumes and Smoke Environment Transportation Lifting and Suspension 01 焊接电源电路 Welding Power Circuit Insulate yourself from the welding circuit by using dry and undamaged protective clothing(防护服、工作衣). Do not work on a wet surface. No not use damaged welding cables or guns. Do not put the welding gun or ground cable on the welding machine or other electric equipment. 请穿戴好干燥无损的工作服,以防触电。禁止在潮湿的表面作业。切勿使用受损的电缆和焊枪。严禁将焊枪或者接地电缆搭接在焊机或者其他电器上。 01 02 Welding Fumes Smoke 焊接烟尘 02 Ensure proper ventilation and avoid inhaling the fumes. Take special precautions when welding any metals or surface-finished objects that contain lead, cadmium, zinc, mercury or beryllium. In closed spaces, such as containers(集装箱、容器), always ensure the sufficient supply of fresh air. You can also ensure the supply of clean and sufficient breathing air by using a fresh air mask(氧气面罩). 确保通风状况良好,避免吸入烟雾。焊接任何含有铅、镉、锌、汞、铍等重金属的合金或表面抛光过的物品,务必采用特殊的预防措施。在容器等局限性空间内施焊时,必须保证提供充足的新鲜空气。可以佩戴氧气面罩,来确保摄入干净充足的空气以供呼吸。 03 Transportation ,Lifting and Suspension 运输、起重、悬架 03 Transport the welding device using a transportation or lift handle. Do not pull or lift the machine by the welding torch or other cables. Only use a transportation trolley designed for the equipment. If you move several machines, do so in an upright position. Never use a welding machine when suspended unless the suspension device has been designed and approved for that purpose. 运输焊接设备时请使用运输工具把手或起重机提手。严禁使用焊矩或者电缆拉提焊机。请用专门手推车搬运。若同时移动几台机器,请保持直立。除非获批专门的悬架装置,否则严禁悬置时使用焊机。。 03 Never lift a gas cylinder and the welding machine at the same time. There are separate provisions for gas cylinder transportation. Never move the protective gas cylinder with the flow adjuster in place. Always fix the gas cylinder securely in an upright position, against a cylinder wall rack or purpose-made cylinder cart. 严禁气瓶和焊机同时提升。关于气瓶运输有单独规定。运输气瓶时请移除流量调节器。确保气瓶紧靠汽缸壁架或特制瓶车


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