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中药护肤品 TCM-based skin care products have been gaining momentum in the last few years as cosmetic brands and consumers alike discover their appeal and potential. 中药护肤品最近几年逐渐走红,美妆品牌和消费者均发现了它们的吸引力和潜力。 Some brands combines TCM ingredients such as lingzhi mushroom and ginseng with modern technology to develop products tailored for Asians delicate skin. 一些品牌用灵芝和人参等中药配方结合现代技术,开发出针对亚洲人娇嫩肤质的产品。 Long favored by the older generation, TCM-inspired skin care products are now growing popular among people in their 20s, who found the mild nature of the TCM ingredients better suits Chinese skin. 一直深受老一辈人喜爱的中药护肤品如今在20多岁的年轻人中越来越受欢迎,这些年轻人发现中药配方的温和特质更适合中国人的肌肤。 中药护肤成年轻人新宠 Yue Sai, the cosmetic brand owned by French cosmetics giant LOreal, has long used TCM in its products. 法国化妆品巨头欧莱雅旗下的化妆品品牌羽西,一直在在其产品中使用中医药。 More than half of its customers in the online store are in their 20s, said Stephane Wilmet, Yue Sais brand manager. 羽西的品牌经理史蒂芬妮·维尔梅表示,在网店购买产品的客户,超过一半的人是20多岁的年轻人。 Instead of traditional famous brands, the young customers favor more nascent brands which are better at marketing themselves in new, flexible ways, including promotions on WeChat and Taobao. 相较传统知名品牌,年轻消费者更青睐一些初创品牌。这些品牌更善于采用新式、灵活的营销方式进行自我推广,包括在微信和淘宝上进行促销等。 Okay, we need to find a way through this stuff.Oh, its horrible! 得想法子穿过这片区域 太悲剧了 Also, the air is just thick with mosquitoes here. 这的空气中弥漫着飞舞的蚊子 The danger is, is getting something like ross river fever. 就怕染上了罗斯河热 If you get it from mosquitoes,its gonna wipe you out for about three months, 要是被蚊子传染上 你就得在病床上躺上三个月左右 And this sort of place is just a breeding ground for mozzies. 这种地区也是蚊子的繁殖带 Actually, look. Just use some mud. 要么这样 涂一些泥 Put that on me and use that to dry and act as a barrier. 涂在身上 它们干后就形成了一层防护 Its gonna stop the mozzies biting. 能抵达蚊子的袭击 Lets try and pick up the pace. 继续前进吧 Actually, look. Lots of dead, rotten wood on this tree. 瞧 这树上垂下来许多枯死的朽木 Actually, often good places to find mangrove worms as well. 它们也是红树林虫喜欢待


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